Class Schedule

Welcome to Key Medical Resources, Inc. 

We value your learning experience as personalized, simplified and supportive!  With our programs and professional team, our goal is that you leave our classes better than you arrived!

Symbol After Class Name

  • *** = CNA/HHA Approved   
  • +  = ELHC (Entry Level Health Care Appropriate)

Text and email are wonderful ways to reach us

  • Terry Rudd: 951-520-3116, for all other programs
  • Sharmaine Torres: 909-200-0253, for office processes
  • Norma Parra: 909-870-7421(text), for C.N.A. Renewal and C.N.A. classes
  • Office: 909-980-0126 (call only), administrative support for questions and assistance on courses

Replacement Certificate/s

  • CNA/HHA Duplicate certificates require an original instructor signature - $5 per certificate (please keep your certificates in a safe place)
  • C.N.A./HHA Inservice Training/Continuing Education Units Records (form CDPH 283 A - Assist in typing your record - Starting fee $50.  Please keep your class records in date order.  Instructor signature is not required on this form. 

Please note:  The student is responsible to follow their employer's policies and guidelines for attending classes. Please bring a form of ID and employee name badge to the class to verify your idenitity and promo codes for facility discounts. 

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

12 Lead EKG Analysis



Course Fee $130 plus $20 Materials

KPass/Contract Price:

 Materials $20 for all persons


 Required folder of materials will be provided at the class.

Contact Hours:

6 or 8 hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122.

California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 EMS, you must notify the instructor at class.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours. 


This program will cover aspects of 12 Lead analyses such as axis deviation, hypertrophy, bundle branch block, and M.I.  Placement of the 12 leads will be covered.  Knowledge of basic dysrhythmias required. 

*Please note that this class DOES NOT teach you how to take a 12-Lead EKG or how to read basic cardiac dysrhythmias.


Knowledge of basic dysrhythmia required


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at class arrival (during sign-in process for remote classes). In-classroom settings allow for payments of debit or credit card, cash or check. Remote class payments can be made by debit or credit card.    


No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be conacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling apply.
  2. Register 4 days or more before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.
  3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  5. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  8. Register 4 days or more before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 

Course Name:

12 LEAD EKG ANALYSIS (Remotely Presented)



Course Fee $130 plus $20 Materials

KPass/Contract Price:


Materials $20 for all persons


Course materials will be mailed or may be picked up at the offices. For mailing shipping and handling fees apply.

Register 4 days or more before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 

Contact Hours:

6 or 8 hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122.

California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 EMS, you must notify the instructor at class.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours. 


This program will cover aspects of 12 Lead analyses such as axis deviation, hypertrophy, bundle branch block, and M.I.  Placement of the 12 leads will be covered.  Knowledge of basic dysrhythmias required. 

*Please note that this class DOES NOT teach you how to take a 12-Lead EKG or how to read basic cardiac dysrhythmias.


Knowledge of basic dysrhythmia required


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at class arrival (during sign-in process for remote classes). In-classroom settings allow for payments of debit or credit card, cash or check. Remote class payments can be made by debit or credit card.    


No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

ACLS Provider First Time 2020 Guidelines with Precourse Work and Precourse Self-Assessment

Key Medical is no longer offering Part 1 (zoom) Part 2 skills 

Highly Recommended and ACLS Helpful Hints are available for download at  Top of website page.  Resources-Helpful Hints

Mandatory Requirements - Read Below

1.  Precourse work and precourse self assessment certificate must be brought to class.  If this is not completed you will be turned away. (Reference:  ACLS Provider Manual Page 2.)

2.  Arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to begin the registration process. 

3.  Late students will be turned away if the class has begun.

***Complete BEFORE CLASS the ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class.  Bring completion certificate with you to the live session

If you do not complete the precourse self-assesment work (bring certificate) you will be turned away.


The AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course (ACLS) Provider Course is intended for Healthcare workers who direct or participate during the resuscitation of a patient. The course emphasizes the importance of good CPR to patient survival, the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions, and the importance of effective team interaction and communications during resuscitation.

  • Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest
  • Airway Management
  • ACLS Pharmacology
  • Basic Life Support  review
  • Management of acute coronary syndromes and stroke
  • How to be both a leader and a team member in a resuscitation team

This class will cover ACLS content, videos, dysrhythmia overview, exam review and demonstration of skills. Knowledge of cardiac dysrhythmias is essential.  The exam contains multiple rhythm strips for interpretation.

Continuing Education certificate will be given at the class.  Digital card will be sent within 24 hours.

  • Precourse Assessment and Pre-Course Work must be completed before coming to the class.
  • Course will include ACLS Overview, rhythm review, exam review and megacode review.  Skills testing will include adult , Airway Mangement and Megacode. (4 hours)
  • Written Exam

Costs for ACLS Provider First Time

  • Fees to be paid at the door.  
  • ACLS Course fee $175, Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $60
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $60

Continuing Education

  • 4.0 Hours Certificate will be given at the course.  BRN CEP# 15122. EMS Provider #62-2034 (Inform at registration if EMS hours are requested  
  • 3.0 Hours additional continuing education may be obtained from AHA for Pre-Course Work and Pre-Course Self-Assessment.  (see course details on, CE/CME)

Essential Requirements BEFORE attending the Course

  • Purchase or have available with you the NEW 2020 Guidelines Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider manual and have with you at the both classes (part 1 and part 2).
  • AHA requires EACH student have a current copy of the book before, during and after the class. Books may not be shared.  Book fees
    • Courses
    • ACLS
      1. ACLS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3100 $39.50 (Recommended) OR
      2. ACLS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1106 $45.50
      3. From Key Medical $60.00


  • REQUIREMENT BEFORE CLASS: Complete the ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class!  There is no charge from the A.H.A.
    Bring successfully completed certificate that will list both ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work.  You must print the completed certificate and bring with you to class.  The certicate must have your name printed on the certificate with both classes.  

 ***Note:  Please arrive to class 15 to 30 minutes early for check-in.  If you arrive late you may not be admitted as class will have started.  

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

ACLS Update/Renew 2020 Guidelines with Precourse Work and Precourse Self-Assessment (Optional BLS Add on) 

Key Medical is no longer offering Part 1 (zoom) Part 2 skills 

Highly Recommended BLS and ACLS Helpful Hints are available for download at www.KMReducation.comTop of website page.  Resources-Helpful Hints


Mandatory Requirements - Read Below

1.  Precourse work and precourse self assessment certificate must be brought to class.  If this is not completed you will be turned away. (Reference:  ACLS Provider Manual Page 2.)

2.  Arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to begin the registration process. 

3.  Late students will be turned away if the class has begun.

***Complete BEFORE CLASS the ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class.  Bring completion certificate with you to the live session! (Reference:  ACLS Provider Manual Page 2.)

If you do not complete the precourse self-assesment work (bring certificate) you will be turned away.


The AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course (ACLS) Provider Course is intended for Healthcare workers who direct or participate during the resuscitation of a patient. The course emphasizes the importance of good CPR to patient survival, the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions, and the importance of effective team interaction and communications during resuscitation.

  • Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest
  • Airway Management
  • ACLS Pharmacology
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) review
  • Management of acute coronary syndromes and stroke
  • How to be both a leader and a team member in a resuscitation team

This class will cover ACLS content, videos, dysrhythmia overview, exam review and demonstration of skills. Knowledge of cardiac dysrhythmias is essential.  The exam contains multiple rhythm strips for interpretation.

Continuing Education certificate will be given at the class.  Digital card will be sent within 24 hours.

  • Precourse Assessment and Pre-Course Work must be completed before coming to the class.
  • Course will include ACLS Overview, rhythm review, exam review and megacode review.  Skills testing will include adult BLS, Airway Mangement and Megacode. (3 hours)
  • Optional BLS may be requested at registration (4 Hours with ACLS)
  • Written Exam

Costs for ACLS Provider Update/Renew

  • Fees to be paid at the door.  
  • ACLS Course fee $150, Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $60
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $60

Costs for BLS Add on to ACLS

  • Fees to be paid at the door.
    • If you are renewing your BLS with ACLS you will be asked at the door if you wish to do so.  There will be a 1 hour add on to the 3 hour ACLS.  BLS provider manual required.  
  • BLS Course fee $50 (includes card) Book is required from Key Med if not with you $25
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $10, Book from Key Med if not with you $25

Continuing Education

  • 3.0 Hours Certificate will be given at the course.  BRN CEP# 15122. EMS Provider #62-2034 (Inform at registration if EMS hours are requested  
  • 3.0 Hours additional continuing education may be obtained from AHA for Pre-Course Work and Pre-Course Self-Assessment.  (see course details on, CE/CME)

Essential Requirements BEFORE attending the Course

  • Purchase or have available with you the NEW 2020 Guidelines Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider manual and have with you at the both classes (part 1 and part 2).
  • AHA requires EACH student have a current copy of the book before, during and after the class. Books may not be shared.  Book fees
    • Courses
    • ACLS
      1. ACLS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3100 $39.50 (Recommended) OR
      2. ACLS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1106 $45.50
      3. From Key Medical $55.00
    • BLS (if completing optional BLS add-on)
      1. BLS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3102 $15 (Recommended) OR
      2. BLS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1102 $17.50
      3. From Key Medical $25.00


  • REQUIREMENT BEFORE CLASS: Complete the ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class!  There is no charge from the A.H.A.
    • ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work


             b.  Search Course Code for ACLS is 1498 
             c.  ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work  
      Do Not choose  ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment stand alone
      Bring successfully completed certificate that will list both ACLS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work.  You must print the completed certificate and bring with you to the class.  The certificate must have your name printed on the certificate with both classes.

 *Please note.  If you would like to do a BLS Course (BLS add-on) at the same time as ACLS, request to do so in the comments section of your registration (from our website).

***Note:  Please arrive to class 15 to 30 minutes early for check-in.  If you arrive late you may not be admitted as class will have started.  

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

    1. *Scroll down to class date in red
    2. Choose the preferred class date 
    3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone (smartphone not recommended – screen is small)
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions.
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in-person class
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.

Course Name:

Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs), Tracheostomy Care and Ventilators


$65.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Kpass/Contract Price:

  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. 


Book/ Materials:

$10 Material Fee for individual session

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.




This program will provide a simplified approach to analyze ABGs.  Lots of practice will be provided.  The program will also disuss care of the person on the ventilator with ventilator modes.  Tracheostomy care is included.



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

Student will be notified for payment. Pay Pal and other methods available

Location:  Remote class via Zoom Format 


  •  Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. Materials will be emailed
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.



Classroom Programs –   Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


ALERT:  Check with your Human Resources Department or Manager about the number of hours required for your facility.

 Course: ASSAULT RESPONSE COMPETENCY (ARC) AB 508/SB 1299  2019 4.0 HOURS*** (Appropriate for all healthcare personnel)   CNA HHA APPROVED NAC#: 1046 


Course Name:

Assault Response Competency (ARC) 4.0 hours AB 508/SB 1299***   


Course Fee $65 and $15 for materials

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

Contract /




 Material Fee $15

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.
  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

Materials fee $15 for all persons

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

Contact Hours:

4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class. 4 hours CNA (Not HHA) CDPH NAC #1046


This four hour class will include the following:  General safety measures, personal safety measures, the assault cycle, characteristics of aggressive and violent patients, strategies to avoid physical harm, and restraining techniques.  Participants will need to wear comfortable clothing.  Hands-on techniques are included.  Please consult your facility policy to verify that this is the course that is needed. .   .   





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

Register at

REMOTE CLASSES with an instructor

1.  You will be sent an invitation. - you must have a personal email in your registration

2.  You will attend from home or another location. 

3.  We utilize a zoom format.  You will need to establish an account at 

4.  Certificates will be emailed. 

5.  Materials will be arranged either by email or mail.

6.  Payment will be arranged.  Our team will contact you.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

C.N.A.s/HHA and others may take class for certification/recertification.

C.N.A.s per CDPH, not HHA  may take for continuing education per CDPH until declared Covid-19 state of emergency status changes. The temporary waiver will expire on 2/28/2023. After this date, continuing Education Programs must return to classroom instruction. 

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, ARC).  

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.  

Course Name:

ASSAULT RESPONSE COMPETENCY (ARC) AB 508/SB 1299***+(Remote via Zoom) 2 Hours 

 C.N.A.s/HHA may take class for certification.

C.N.A.s per CDPH may take remote continuing education as long as Covid restrictions are in place according to CDPH.  The temporary waiver will expire on 2/28/2023. After this date, continuing Education Programs must return to classroom instruction. 


Course Fee $40 plus $15 for book.

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

K-PASS/Contract Price:

K-PASS and Contract Employees Co-pay is $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

***If you have the current book for the class bring with you and show on screen.  If you do not have the current book you will be sent and charged for a digital copy.

Book/ Materials:

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

Contact Hours:

  • 2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

C.N.A.s/HHA may take class for certification.  

C.N.A.s per CDPH NAC#1046 may take remote continuing education as long as Covid restrictions are in place according to CDPH.  As of 7.19.2022

 HHAs may not received continuing education for remote classes




This 2 hour class will include the following:  General safety measures, personal safety measures, the assault cycle, characteristics of aggressive and violent patients, strategies to avoid physical harm, and restraining techniques.  Participants will need to wear comfortable clothing.  Hands-on techniques are included.  Please consult your facility policy to verify that this is the course that is needed. .   


 This class is appropriate for all persons.

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course.
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, ARC).
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 


Register at

REMOTE CLASSES with an instructor

1.  You will be sent an invitation. - you must have a personal email in your registration

2.  You will attend from home or another location. 

3.  We utilize a zoom format.  You will need to establish an account at 

4.  Certificates will be emailed. 

5.  Materials will be arranged either by email or mail.

6.  Payment will be arranged.  Our team will contact you.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

C.N.A.s/HHA and others may take class for certification/recertification.

CNAs and HHAs may take this for the certificate only.  Remote/Zoom classes are not approved for CNA/HHA continuing edcucation.

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, ARC).  

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.  

Course Name:

ASSAULT RESPONSE COMPETENCY (ARC) SB1299/AB508+(Remote via Zoom) 4 Hours 

 C.N.A.s/HHA may take class for certification.

CNAs and HHAs may take this for the certificate only.  Remote/Zoom classes are not approved for CNA/HHA continuing edcucation.


 Course Fee $65 plus $15 for book.

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

K-PASS/Contract Price:

K-PASS and Contract Employees Co-pay is $15 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

***If you have the current book for the class bring with you and show on screen.  If you do not have the current book you will be sent and charged for a digital copy.

Book/ Materials:

$15 for book.

$10 for book until August 31, 2023

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

Contact Hours:

  • 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

C.N.A.s/HHA may take class for certification.  

CNAs and HHAs may take this for the certificate only.  Remote/Zoom classes are not approved for CNA/HHA continuing edcucation.

 HHAs may not received continuing education for remote classes




This 4 hour class will include the following:  General safety measures, personal safety measures, the assault cycle, characteristics of aggressive and violent patients, strategies to avoid physical harm, and restraining techniques.  Participants will need to wear comfortable clothing.  Hands-on techniques are included.  Please consult your facility policy to verify that this is the course that is needed. .   


 This class is appropriate for all persons.

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course.
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, ARC).
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 


Register at

REMOTE CLASSES with an instructor

1.  You will be sent an invitation. - you must have a personal email in your registration

2.  You will attend from home or another location. 

3.  We utilize a zoom format.  You will need to establish an account at 

4.  Certificates will be emailed. 

5.  Materials will be arranged either by email or mail.

6.  Payment will be arranged.  Our team will contact you.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

For CNA and HHA please note: According to the CDPH, as of December 1 2019 CNAs/ HHA will not be able to receive continuing education for the 8 hour assault response class.  CNA and HHAs may still take the course and receive a certificate but not for CNA/HHA continuing education. 2 hour and 4 hour classes will continue to be honored for continuing education through  NAC provider #1046

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Course Name:


 FIRST TIME  (Appropriate for all healthcare personnel) 



 Course Fee $125 plus $15 for workbook.  

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

All students are required to have the most current workbook from Key Medical Resources and show at the class.  No photocopies of the workbook are allowed as this is a workbook for your personal use.  Workbooks will be available at live classes and will be emailed for remote classes.  Workbooks may not be shared.

K-PASS/Contract Price:

K-PASS and Contract Employees Co-pay is $15 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

Book/ Materials:

***If you have the current book for the class please bring with you so you won't need to buy another book.

The Assault Response Competency Workbook (ARC) has been updated and revised.  The 2nd Edition will be utilized starting September 1, 2023.
Prior workbooks will not be accepted as of September 1, 2023.
Cost $15 per book.

Contact Hours:

  • 8 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

For CNA and HHA please note: According to the CDPH, as of December 1 2019 CNAs/ HHA will not be able to receive continuing education for the 8 hour assault response class.  CNA and HHAs may still take the course and receive a certificate but not for CNA/HHA continuing education. 2 hour and 4 hour classes will continue to be honored for continuing education through  NAC provider #1046





 This eight hour class will include the following:  General safety measures, personal safety measures, the assault cycle, characteristics of aggressive and violent patients, strategies to avoid physical harm, and restraining techniques.  Participants will need to wear comfortable clothing.  Hands-on techniques are included.  Please consult your facility policy to verify that this is the course that is needed. .   



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course.
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

    BLS Helpful Hints are available on Website  Resources - Helpful Hints

BLS/CPR First Time Provider American Heart Association {Course 650}


This class will cover BLS content, videos, exam review and demonstration of skills. This course is appropriate for all persons wanting BLS and AED content.  The program is geared for healthcare providers .  Others may attend. The exam contains 25 multiple choice questions. The exam will be given in class. This is a LIVE class and all requirements for BLS Healthcare Provider will be completed in this session.  Social distancing, PPE, Temperature checks may occur according to current CDPH Covid 19 Guidelines.  Mask may be required per facility policy and/or CDC Guidelines.  Enrollment is limited.

  • This LIVE class session inlcudes course content, skills validation and written exam
  • 4 hours for First Time  CNA  HHA Only
  • Cards will be sent digitally within 24 hours
  • Certificates as applies will be given at the end of class.  
  • Fees to be paid at the class
    • Course fee $60, Card is $10 Book from Key Med if not with you $25
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $10, Book from Key Med if not with you $25

 Continuing Education

Continuing education for a total of 4 hours for CNA, HHA.  The BRN does not approve continuing education for BLS courses.

C.N.A., HHA  NAC #1046

Essential Requirements BEFORE attending Class

  • Pre-Purchase or bring to class with you the NEW 2020 Guidelines BLS Provider manual and have with you.
  • Books are available at the class but will be less expensive if purchased online.
  • AHA requires EACH student have a current copy of the book before, during and after the class. Books may not be shared.  
    • Book Fees
    • Courses
    • BLS
      1. BLS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3102 $15.00 OR
      2. BLS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1102 $17.50

 The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

    BLS Helpful Hints are available on Website  Resources - Helpful Hints

BLS/CPR Update/Renewal Provider American Heart Association 2020 Guidelines {651}


This class will cover BLS content, videos, exam review and demonstration of skills. The program is geared for healthcare providers .  Others may attend. The exam contains 25 multiple choice questions. The exam will be given in class. This is an IN-PERSON class and all requirements for BLS Healthcare Provider will be completed in this session.  

Social distancing, PPE, Temperature checks may occur according to current CDPH Covid 19 Guidelines.  Mask may be required per facility policy and/or CDC Guidelines.  Enrollment is limited.

  • This IN-PERSON class session inlcudes course content, skills validation and written exam
  • 3 hours for First Time  CNA  HHA Only
  • Cards will be sent digitally with 24 hours
  • Certificates of completion (as applies) will be given at the end of class.  
  • Fees to be paid at the class:
    • Course fee $50, eCard fee $10, Book (current A.H.A. Provider Manual) purchased from Key Med (if you do not bring with you) $25
    • Contract facility personnel & K-Pass - eCard $10, Book (current A.H.A. Provider Manual) purchased from Key Med (if you do not bring with you) $25

 Continuing Education

Continuing education for a total of 3 hours for CNA, HHA, EMS.  The BRN does not approve continuing education for BLS courses.

C.N.A., HHA  NAC #1046

EMS San Bernardino County #62-2034

Essential Requirements BEFORE attending Class

  • Pre-Purchase or bring to class with you the NEW 2020 Guidelines BLS Provider manual and have with you.
  • Books are available at the class but will be less expensive if purchased online.
  • AHA requires EACH student have a current copy of the book before, during and after the class. Books may not be shared.  
    • Book Fees
    • Courses
    • BLS
      1. BLS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1102 $17.50 OR
      2. BLS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3102 $15.00 (you must bring the device you use to access the eBook with you to class)

 The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

 During Covid-19 Live class require masks, termperature screening, small numbers, social distancing.  

Note:  Classes may be cancelled if state requires no meetings.  

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:


CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS (EKG) and THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES 12 HOURS - ALL MAY ATTEND - CNAs may attend for a certificate but cannot get continuing education hours.  




2020 Pricing Course Fee $175

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons

Contract /





  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

$20 for materials.

Contact Hours:


12.0 California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034  If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS. A separate EMS roster will be required for each class date.  

CNAs may attend for a certificate but cannot get continuing education hours.  




This course is intended to review aspects of Basic Cardiac Dysrhythmias.  Anatomy and physiology of the heart as well as hemodynamic implications will be discussed.  The class will cover rhythms, EKG interpretation including Sinus, Atrial, Junctional, Heart Blocks and Ventricular rhythms. Pacemakers will be discussed.  Therapeutic modalities are included relating to medications, pharmacology, monitoring, cardioversion and defibrillation.

A pacemaker overview and clinical interventions will be included

.  Please review cardiac anatomy and physiology before coming to the course


  • Dynamic, interactive program
  • Good class for Monitor Techs and those wanting to learn dysrhythmias.
  • Course information needed before taking ACLS or PALS
  • No textbook required

Competency exam will be given at the end of the course.  Exam must be passed at 75% to receive a certificate.




Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  • Scroll down to class date in red
  • Choose the preferred class date 
  • Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


This class is presented REMOTELY via the Zoom platform. 

  1. Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling appy.
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 
  3. .
  4. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  5. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  6. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  7. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  8. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond promptly to all messages with your name and requested response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  9. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.
  10. Expedited Shipping, priority, $10 or may pickup at Key Medical Office  
  11. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:


CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS (EKG) and THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES 12 HOURS  (REMOTE CLASS )- ALL MAY ATTEND - CNAs may attend for a certificate but cannot get continuing education hours.  



 2025 Pricing Course Fee $200

  • Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling appy.
  • Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.


2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons






 Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

$20 for materials.  Mailed or picked up from Rancho Cucamonga Office.  If mailed shippling and handling fees apply.

Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 

Contact Hours:

 12.0 California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at the class.  If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS. A separate EMS roster will be required for each class date.  

CNAs may attend for a certificate but cannot get continuing education hours.  




This course is intended to review aspects of Basic Cardiac Dysrhythmias.  Anatomy and physiology of the heart as well as hemodynamic implications will be discussed.  The class will cover rhythms, EKG interpretation including Sinus, Atrial, Junctional, Heart Blocks and Ventricular rhythms.  Therapeutic modalities are included relating to medications, pharmacology, monitoring, cardioversion, defibrillation and pacemakers will be included  Please review cardiac anatomy and physiology before coming to the course


  • Dynamic, interactive program
  • Good class for Monitor Techs and those wanting to learn dysrhythmias.
  • Course information needed before taking ACLS or PALS
  • No textbook required

Competency exam will be given at the end of the course.  Exam must be passed at 75% to receive a certificate.




Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
    • Scroll down to class date in red
    • Choose the preferred class date 
    • Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


    This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

    1. Student materials ($20) may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed for and additional $10 shipping & handling fee. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
    2. Registration less than 5 business, shipping days before the class:  course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.
    3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
    4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
    5. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
    6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
    7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.

    Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

    We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

**CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS (EKG) WITH THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES  - Especially good for Monitor Techs.  All May Attend   (REMOTE CLASS ZOOM FORMAT) {Course 178R)



2020 Pricing Course Fee $275

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons

  • Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed for $10 shipping & handling fee. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling appy.
    Registration less than 5 business, shipping days before the class:  course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.


25% Student and new grad discount on course fees.  Please show student ID

Contract /





2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

 No Book Required.  Extensive handouts are provided.  $20

Contact Hours:

20 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  A separate roster for each day must be signed.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS.  Homework and practice exams to complete the hours .  Please Note:  Per CDPH CNAs Cannot Receive continuing education for this program.  A completion certificate with hours will  be given. 




  • This course is designed for the person taking cardiac dysrhythmias for the first time.  This may help the person who would like to be a monitor technician.  Others may attend (i.e. students, nurses, RCPs). The class will include anatomy and physiology of the heart, conduction of the heart and analysis of sinus, atrial, junctional, heart block and ventricular rhythms.  Pacemakers will be discussed.  Therapeutic modalities are included relating to medications, pharmacology, monitoring, cardioversion and defibrillation.   Homework and completion of an exam are required to obtain a certificate.   All sessions must be attended to receive a certificate.


 Please Note:  Per CDPH 9.15.2015 CNAs Cannot Receive continuing education for this program.  A completion certificate with hours will  be given. 

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

**CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS/Arrhythmias (EKG) WITH THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES  20 Hours Live, in-person - Especially good for Monitor Techs.  All May Attend {Course 178L) 



2025 Pricing Course Fee $275

2025 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons

There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Contract /




 2025 Pricing:

 Materials fee for the required folder $20 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

Folder of course materials is REQUIRED. Extensive handouts are included.  

Folder will be provided the first day of class. 

Material folder fee: $20

Contact Hours:

20 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  A separate roster for each day must be signed.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS.  Homework and practice exams to complete the hours .  Please Note:  Per CDPH CNAs Cannot Receive continuing education for this program.  CNAs may attend the program for a completion certificate with 20 hours.




  • This course is designed for the person taking cardiac dysrhythmias/arrhythmias for the first time.  This may help the person who would like to be a monitor technician.  Others may attend (i.e. students, nurses, RCPs). The class will include anatomy and physiology of the heart, conduction of the heart and analysis of sinus, atrial, junctional, heart block and ventricular rhythms.    Therapeutic modalities are included relating to medications, pharmacology, monitoring, cardioversion, defibrillation and pacemakers will be included. Course work and successful completion/passing of an exam are required to obtain a certificate.   In class participation and practice strips and exam participation is required.  All sessions must be attended to receive a certificate.


Please Note:  Per CDPH 9.15.2015 CNAs Cannot Receive continuing education for this program.  A completion certificate with hours will  be given. 

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


    1. *Scroll down to class date in red
    2. Choose the preferred class date 
    3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone (smartphone not recommended – screen is small)
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions.
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in-person class
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.

Course Name:

Rapid Response, Cardiac Arrest, Code Blue


$65.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Kpass/Contract Price:

  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. 


Book/ Materials:

$10 Material Fee for individual session

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.




An overview of the cardiovascular system to emphasize hypertension, heart failure and myocardial infarction.  pathophysiology and common pharmacologic interventions will be emphasized.  Class will also review protocols for rapid response and code blue that will incorporate AHA 2020. Guidelines 



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

Student will be notified for payment. Pay Pal and other methods available

Location:  Remote class via Zoom Format 


  •  Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. Materials will be emailed
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

 ***Care of the Terminal Patient  

  •  Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel. 


$60.00 for class and $10 materials. 

Passport/Contract Price:

 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.  EMS Provider 62-2034.  Please ask for special roster at the class.




 This program will cover the Care of the Terminal Patient




Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. This course requires phyiscal materials that may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed ($15 Shipping and Handling fee). Materials/book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.
  3. When registering for courses, your personal phone no., email and mailing address is required.
  4. You will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  5. You can access Zoom with a computer, tablet or smartphone 
  6. Questions? Please call our office (909) 980-0126 or text or call Terry Rudd (951) 520-3116.
  7. Certificate of completion for this remote class will be the same certificate as for an in person class and will only be issued after all payments have been completed.
  8. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and requested response.  



(909) 980-0126

Course Name:



$350.00 course fee for class and  $50 materials. 

Shipping and Handling $15.  Must request at least a week before class start date.

Contract /




 $50 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

Materials $50. 

Recommended (not required) Book: Pass CCRN! Latest Edition, Cost subject to change.  May be purchased for less at online resources Elsevier discount coupon Code DM92609   $65.0 approx.

Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office or shipping arranged before the class starts.

Contact Hours:

16.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.


Helps the participant prepare for the AACN CCRN exam.  Overview of body systems, exam approach and practice questions with rationale.  See for requirements for applying for CCRN/PCCN Certification      chniques.  Participants will need to wear comfortable clothing.  Hands-on techniques are included.  Please consult your facility policy to verify that this is the course that is needed. .





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).


Course Name:



$350.00 for class and $40 for notebook

Contract /




  $40 for Notebook  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

A required notebook for $40.00 will be provided the day of the course. 

Optional Book Purchased Online: $55.00 CEN (Certification for Emergency Nursing Examination) Secrets Study Guide.  Mometrix Test Preparation.  ISBN: 978-1-60971-299-0  Cost and ISBN subject to change

Contact Hours:

16.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS. A separate roster will be required for each day for EMS hours.




This course is designed for the nurse who has had at least one year of experience in the Emergency Department.  These courses are designed to help you prepare for your certification exams.  Programs will include test-taking strategies, exam specific content and practice questions.  Each course has a required textbook and notebook.  All optional textbooks are available through Mometrix Test Preparation which helps the participant prepare for the CEN CERTIFIED EMERGENCY NURSE exam.  Overview of body systems, exam approach and practice questions with rationale will be included.  

The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) certification is specific to emergency nursing and measures the attainment of a defined body of nursing knowledge pertinent to that specialty. The CEN exam is based on emergency nursing practice in the United States. To qualify for the exam, you must be an RN.  BCEN® recommends 2 years’ experience in the emergency department; however, it is not required. Those taking the exam must meet eligibility requirments and pay for the exam.  See BCEN




Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
    1. Scroll down to class date in red
    2. Choose the preferred class date 
    3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

    This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

    1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
    2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
    3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
    4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
    5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
    6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
    7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  


Course Name:




2020 Pricing Course Fee $65

2020 Pricing Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contract /





  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $10 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

$10 for materials.

Contact Hours:

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. Required Book: Handouts will be distributed in class.


Enhance your skills and techniques to be an effective charge nurse.  The program will discuss delegation, conflict resolution, chain of command and other strategies to manage your area. 





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

ALERT :  Check with your Human Department or Manager about the numbers of hours required for your facility.

This course is approved CNA's, HHA's, RNs, LVNs, RCPs, EMTs and others as it relates to scope of practice.

Course Name:

CNA #1 Activities of Daily Living, Bedmaking***


  Course Fee $60 Plus $10 materials

Contract /




  Materials  Fee $10 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

 Materials will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours 

For CNA, HHA - Provider Name:  Key Medical Resources Inc.NAC # 1046 California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.







Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 CNA #127 Advocacy and Communication in Healthcare 


Course fee $60.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

Materials will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:


  •  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Advocacy and Communication in Healthcare 





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
    1. Register at
    2. Scroll down to class date in red
    3. Choose the preferred class date 
    4. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

    Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

    We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


    Course Name:

     CNA #135 Review of Basic Skills*** 


    $60.00 Course Fee + $10.00 Material Fee

    Contract /




     $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

    • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course.

    Book/ Materials:

     Materials will be provided at the class.

    Contact Hours:

     4 hours. 

    Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

    California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

     4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



    This course will overview Caring for the Elderly and Geriatric Emergencies*** 

    Resources/ FAQ:

    Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

    Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

    All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

    Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


    • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
    • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
    • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
    • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Behavioral Health Unit Basics


Course fee $60.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

 Materials will be provided at class.

Contact Hours:


  •  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Behavioral Health Unit Basics





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 CNA #14 Care, Observation and Reporting of Patients with Various Tubes***


$60.00 course fee for class and materials $10 

Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

Materials will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Care, Observation and Reporting of Patients with Various Tubes***



Performance Standards (Objectives):

Upon completion of four (4) hours of class.

Will discuss nurse assistant scope of practice related to tubes.


List types and uses of gastrointestinal (GI) tubes.

  1. Nasogastric tube
  2. Gastrostomy tube/PEG

Describe major nursing care activities for residents with feeding tubes (nasogastric or gastrostomy).

  1. Care of resident with nasogastric tube
  2. Care of resident with gastrostomy tube
  3. Nursing care is provided to maintain a resident’s mental and emotional comfort by:
  4. Observe, report, and record routine care and any unusual events.

Describe nursing care activities for a resident receiving intravenous (I.V.) therapy.

  1. Reasons for using I.V. therapy
  2. Nursing Assistant responsibilities include observing for flow from I.V.

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.




Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 CNA #19 Code Blue, Rapid Response, Sepsis (2 hours)***


$30.00 course fee and $10 material fee.

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

 Materials will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 2 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Code Blue, Rapid Response, Sepsis***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 CNA #20 Collection of Specimens and Enemas, Laxatives, Suppositories (4 hours)***


$60.00 course fee and $10.00 material fee

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course.

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Collection of Specimens and Enemas, Laxatives, Suppositories***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 CNA #21 Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare (4 hours)***



$60.00 Course Fee + $10.00 Material Fee

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $10 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

 Materials will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Healthcare***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.



  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

CNA #4 Asepsis and Prevention of Infection***


$30.00 course fee for class and $5 materials. 

2020 Pricing Course Fee $30

Contract /




 $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

2020 Pricing Materials fee $5 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

 Materials will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 2.0 hours

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

2.0 hours 

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and

California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Asepsis and Prevention of Infection***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books are non-refundable nor exchangeable.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.





Course Name:

Mental Health Worker Topic:  MENTAL HEALTH

Communication Techniques in Healthcare (Session D) 


$60 for this single class.   Handouts $10 each or notebook $50 for all six sessions.  $330 for full series and notebook.

Passport/Contract Price:

$10.00 for Materials  individual session $50 for all 6 sessions or per faciility guidelines


Handouts will be distributed in class.

Continuing Education and Contact Hours

Each class is approved by CDPH  for CNA/HHA NAC#1046.  4.0 Hours


Mental Health Worker Topics/Series Option

This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 4 HOURS Each Session TOTAL 0f 24 hours

Learn and enhance your skills with working with the person with mental disorders. The program will emphasize mental status exam, AIMS assessment and Vital Signs.  Requirements for Completion:  Attendance for 4 hours and participation in role play, discussion, and hands on skills as it applies.  This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 

Appropriate for all persons.  CNA’s/HHA please note you will receive a total of 24 Hours for attending all six sessions.  Each session is 4 hours in length.  For CNA's/HHA each course will be submitted separately to California Department of Public Health CNA Board.

 Please Note:  Sessions may not be presented in letter order.  See registration page for session topics per date. 

Full Series 3 days


A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class


*Please note:  This class is appropriate for C.N.A, HHA, medical Professions, students and those wanting to enter the healthcare field. Approved for CNA/HHA NAC#1046


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)     


Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom
  4. If you intended to register for the full critical care 6 week (36 hours) course please register for that course as the Notebook needs to be picked up or sent.  This is a stand alone 1 day course

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course    Name : Critical Care A: Intro, Lab Values, Integrated Assessment (Single day Critical Care Topic A) - REMOTE CLASS
Price :

$130.00 Course fee.  


2020 Pricing Course Fee $130 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  


K-Pass / Contract Price :

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons. 

Book / Materials : $ 20 for materials
Contact Hours : 6.0  Hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122 
Self - Assessment N/ A
Description :

Critical Care A: Intro, Lab Values, Integrated Assessment

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of lab values as relate to critical care.  Integration of assessment and lab valsues will be included.  A dynamic overview

This is a stand alone day of a six session Critical Care Program.  Students may take stand alone sessions or take all 6 critical care sessions to receive a Critical Care Nursing Certificate.  If taking the entire critical care course, sessions may be taken out of order but session F must be last.

This session covers a comprehensive overview of lab values with integrated assessment and medications. 


Student: Requirements for Completion:

Resources/ FAQ :

 Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126. 

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response. 

All payment taken to be arranged ( check, cash or credit) 

Note :

Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:    

Critical Care B: Cardiovascular, Hemodynamics (Single day Critical Care Topic B) (REMOTE CLASS)




2020 Pricing Course Fee $130 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  

ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

K-Pass/ Contract  Price:

$20.00 for materials or per facility guidelines.

Book / Materials:

ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

Contact Hours:

6.0 hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122 




Critical Care B: Cardiovascular, Hemodynamics

Cardiovascular Structure and Function, Disorders of the Cardiovascular System, M.I., CHF, Hypertension.  Comprehensive overview of hemodynamic monitoring and the pulmonary artery, Swan-Ganz catheter will be discussed.

Course Overview:  Critical Care Session B

This is a stand alone day of a six session Critical Care Program.  Students may take stand alone sessions or take all 6 critical care sessions to receive a Critical Care Nursing Certificate.  If taking the entire critical care course, sessions may be taken out of order but session F must be last.




Attendance at remote class  




Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

Critical Care C: Sepsis, IV, GI, Code Blue, Rapid Response, Multisystem, & Sedation  (Single day Critical Care Topic C) - RMOTE CLASS



2020 Pricing Course Fee $130 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  

ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

Passport/Contract Price:

 ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

Book / Materials:

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  

ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

Contact Hours:

6.0 hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122 




Critical Care C: Sepsis, IV, GI, Code Blue, Rapid Response, Multisystem, & Sedation

IV Drug Calculations,Code Blue, Rapid Response, Multisystem, Gastrointestinal System.  Sepsis will be discussed comprehensively.  Procedural sedation in the critical care setting will be covered.

Course Overview:  Critical Care Session C

This is a stand alone day of a six session Critical Care Program.  Students may take stand alone sessions or take all 6 critical care sessions to receive a Critical Care Nursing Certificate.  If taking the entire critical care course, sessions may be taken out of order but session F must be last.







Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

Critical Care D: Respiratory, ABG's, Ventilators, Tracheostomy Care (Single day Critical Care Topic D) (REMOTE CLASS)




2020 Pricing Course Fee $130 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  

Passport/Contract Price:

ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

Book / Materials:


2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  


Contact Hours:

6.0 hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122 





Critical Care D: Respiratory, ABG's, Ventilators, Tracheostomy Care

Respiratory Structure and Function 

Arterial Blood Gases, COPD, ALI, ARDS,

Ventilators, practice sessions for blood gas analysis

Course Overview:  Critical Care Session D

This is a stand alone day of a six session Critical Care Program.  Students may take stand alone sessions or take all 6 critical care sessions to receive a Critical Care Nursing Certificate.  If taking the entire critical care course, sessions may be taken out of order but session F must be last.







Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
  7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

Critical Care E: Neuro, Endocrine, Renal and Chest Tubes (Single day Critical Care Topic E)




2020 Pricing Course Fee $130 

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  

Passport/Contract Price:


ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees

2020 Pricing Class Materials $20  for all persons.

Book / Materials:


2020 Pricing Class Materials $20 for all persons.  

Contact Hours:

6.0 hours.  California BRN CEP# 15122 




Critical Care E: Neuro, Endocrine, Renal and Chest Tubes

This program will review anatomy and physiology of each of these systems.  Nervous system will overview major disorders, intracrainail pressure monitoring and interventions. Renal system will emphasize renal failure and dialysis.  Endocrine system will emphasize DKA, HHNK and treatments.  Review of chest tube set up, observations and care will be discussed.

Course Overview:  Critical Care Session E

This is a stand alone day of a six session Critical Care Program.  Students may take stand alone sessions or take all 6 critical care sessions to receive a Critical Care Nursing Certificate.  If taking the entire critical care course, sessions may be taken out of order but session F must be last.







Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Materials can be picked up or mailed. If materials are covered by your employer, they may not cover shipping. Payment for shipping and handling of materials must be completed prior to shipping.  An invoice will be sent. Book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment. Materials are non-refundable or exchangeable. For those picking up materials at the Rancho Cucamonga office, payment will be due at the time of pickup. Bring your employee ID to validate any fees covered by your employer.
  2. Register entering your personal contact information only (not your work email, phone or mailing address).
  3. Registration 5 business, shipping days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 
  4. You will be sent an invitation to join the class via Zoom prior to class or within 48 hours before the class starts for new registrations.
  5. Zoom may be utilized by computer, tablet or smartphone.
  6. If you have questions, please call our office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd (951) 520-3116 (text preferred).
  7. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in-person class. 
  8. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond promptly to all messages with your name and requested response.  Your Zoom invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to day of class.
  9. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

Courses may be cancelled due to low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

Critical Care Nursing 36 Hours (REMOTE CLASS)


Course fee: $600 Course materials: $60 for required notebook $70 textbook if purchased from us if we have in stock (we maintain a very limited supply) (purchase online for less).

Kpass/Contract Price:


Pricing Course Fee $600

Registrations 5 business days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 

2022+ Material fee for required notebook: $60 for all persons.  

Textbook:  required for homework. Student is required to source and purchase on their own.

Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy (4th or 5th edition)                ISBN 13: 978-1-4963-0693-7 OR 5th edition ISBN 13: 9781975144302  

ALL K- PASS and or Contracted Hospital Employees - 

Material fee for required notebook: $60 for all persons. 




$60 for required student notebook (can only be obtained from us)

Textbook:  required for homework. Student required to source and purchase on their own. 

Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy (4th or 5th edition)                  ISBN 13: 978-1-4963-0693-7 OR 5th edition ISBN 13: 9781975144302  

Contact Hours:

36 hours California Board of Registered Nursing CEP #15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034. If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.





Sessions may be taken in any order, EXCEPT Session F must be last. Homework and practice test are turned in the second to last week. If you are unable to attend a session, register for the Single Day Session as make up. This may effect your scheduled final exam session. Contact our office to reschedule Session F.

Session A

Introduction to Critical Care, Lab Values with Integrated Assessment and Medications

Session B

Cardiovascular, Hemodynamics, Swan-Ganz Pulmonary Artery Catheter, Myocardial Infarction and Interventions

Session C

Sepsis, Code Blue, Rapid Response, IV Drugs, Procedural Sedation, and GI

Session D

Respiratory, ABGs, Ventilators, Tracheostomy Care

Session E

Neurological, Endocrine, Renal Overview and Chest Tubes

Session F

Final Session

CRITICAL CARE F - Case Studies, Final Exam

Homework and practice test are turned in the second to last session of class

Must be taken last.


  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course (6 sessions) must be attended to receive a certificate. If a participant misses one session, the missed session may be made up by registering for a single day session. This may effect your scheduled final exam session. Contact our office to reschedule Session F.
  • Final exam is a group resource exam only. No other external resources may be used.
  • Each student is required to have their own notebook for single use.  Notebooks may not be shared or sold.  If any portion of the class has been attended notebooks will not be returned.

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at class arrival (during sign-in process for remote classes). In-classroom settings allow for payments of debit or credit card, cash or check. Remote class payments can be made by debit or credit card.    

Location: Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 

Effective as of 3/27/19 for ALTA Employees - Van Nuys, Norwalk, Bellflower are only to take Critical Care Class and ED class when instructed and/or given permission by their Director Deanne Smart or ACNO Mary Aclan. Please present permission when arriving at class.

    • Scroll down to class date in red
    • Choose the preferred class date 
    • Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


    This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

    1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
    2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
    3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
    4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
    5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
    6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.
    7. According to CDC guidelines, students with a temperature of 100.4 and over will be turned away.  

    Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

    We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:




$65.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Contract /




  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

$10 Material Fee for individual session

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.


This program will include strategies to enhance critical thinking skills in the clinical setting.  Incorporated will be time management strategies.  Case scenarios and discussion-based learning will be included.  





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

CNA #104 Culture of Safety***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046
  • 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 
  • If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  



This course will explain discuss and overview the techniques and interventions to promote a culture of safety in the work environment.  These concepts empower all persons to speak up when a situation is determined be unsafe. 

The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Culture of safety
  • Adapting approach of “Just Culture” Safety
  • Error reduction
  • Health Care Quality improvement
  • Caregiver approach
  • Components
  • Values
  • Behaviors
  • Systems
  • Barriers
  • Severity bias
  • Coaching
  • Employee involvement





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Dealing with Difficult Behaviors


Course fee $40.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  3 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Dealing with Difficult Behaviors






Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

 CNA #32 Death and Dying, End of Life Care***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contract /




 Class Materials $10 for all persons 

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Death and Dying, End of Life Care***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

Course: CNA #93 Defense Mechanisms and Communication Strategies***

  • Description: This program will discuss legal aspects specifically in the psychiatric setting.  Ethical standards and boundary perspectives will be discusse.  
  • Contact Hours: 2.0 hour course Brn CEP 15122,  EMS HOURS   CNA HHA APPROVED NAC#: 1046
  • Required Book: None, handouts will be distributed in the class.
  • Course fee: $30.00 for class, book and materials. Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?  Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.

*Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

Diabetes and Hypoglycemia


Course fee $60.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview anatomy, physiology of the cardiovascular system.  Included will be disorders such as chf, hypertension, hemodynamics and signs of MI.  The program will include assessment and interventions.





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Early Signs and Symptoms for Heart Attack


Course fee $30.00 / Materials $5 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Early Signs and Symptoms for Heart Attack





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Emergency Codes and Code Gray


Course fee $30.00 / Materials $5 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Emergency Codes and Code Gray





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

 Course: Emergency Nursing Boot Camp with Triage and Emtala.

  • Description:

    This program is intended to provide a 1-day overview of major themes for Emergency Nursing.  This is a good course for those already working in Emergency and also provides an introduction to the Emergency Department.   Triage introduction, emtala, legalities, ED pearls, assessment, body system priorities and trauma will be covered.  The corse will overview  the 4th version from the ESI Triage coursework

    Contact Hours: 8.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

  • If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS. 
  • Boot Camp Materials will be distributed in class and are required.     
  • Course fee: $130 for class and Boot Camp Materials which includes the notebook.  Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $25 for Boot Camp Handouts.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?   Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.

*Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. .  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling appy.
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 
  3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  5. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.

Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

 Course: Emergency Nursing Boot Camp with Triage and Emtala.(REMOTE CLASS ZOOM PLATFORM)

  • Description:

    This program is intended to provide a 1-day overview of major themes for Emergency Nursing. This is a good course for those already working in Emergency and also provides an introduction to the Emergency Department.   Triage introduction, emtala, legalities, ED pearls, assessment, body system priorities and trauma will be covered. The course will overview  the 4th version from the ESI Triage coursework

    Contact Hours: 8.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP #15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

  • If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  EMS hours will be adjusted to actual class time and may be less than stated hours for the course.  A separate certificate will be given with EMS hours.  Students must sign a special roster from Calilfornia EMS. 
  • Boot Camp Materials will be MAILED OR EMAILED
  • Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. .  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling appy.
  • Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts. 
  • Course fee: $130 for class and $20 for Boot Camp Materials .  Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $20 for Boot Camp Handouts.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?   Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.

*Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed shipping and handling appy.
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.
  3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  5. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and requested response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class. 

Course Name:



Course fee:  Course fee:  $375   

Course Notebook $35

For non-distance learning/remote courses only: Textbook $75 (Sales Tax Included) 


Contract /




Passport and Affiliated (Contract Hospital) Employees $35 for course notebook and cost of textbook or per facility guidelines.  25% Student and new grad discount for the course fee does apply.

Mandatory Book: 

Emergency Nursing  Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 7th edition 

ISBN 978-0323078276

Non-distance learning/remote courses only: Textbook is available at the door for $75.00.   

Required student notebook may be picked up at our office in Rancho Cucamonga or mailed for $15 shipping & handling. You will be contacted during the material distribution phase of course preparation.

Book/ Materials:

Mandatory Book:

Emergency Nursing  Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 7th edition 

ISBN 978-0323078276

Non-distance learning/remote courses only: Available at the door for $75.00.   

Required student notebook may be picked up at our office in Rancho Cucamonga or mailed for $15 shipping & handling. You will be contacted during the material distribution phase of course preparation.

  • Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed, shipping and handling fees apply.
  • Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.

Contact Hours:

24.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course is designed to help course participants succeed in obtaining the knowledge and skills needed for working in the Emergency Department. 

The ENA Core Curriculum will be the basis of the course including Assessment and Resuscitation, Triage, Abuse, Organ and Tissue Donation, Pain Management, Clinical Emergencies, Abdominal, Cardiovascular, EENT, Endocrine, Environmental, Infectious Diseases, Neurological Emergencies, Obstetric and Gynecological, Ocular, Orthopedic, Toxicology, Psychiatric, Respiratory, Shock, Wounds and Aspects of Trauma.  Legal aspects and professionalism will also be discussed.  The course will include case scenarios.  The course would also serve as a good overview for the current E.D. nursing intending to take the CEN certification exam.

The course will overview  the 4th version from the ESI Triage coursework


Requirements for Completion:  Homework, attendance at all 3 sessions, and completion of exam required for certificate. Each student must have the current textbook for the course. Textbook and notebook are required. There are homework assignments and exam.



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

Effective as of 3/27/19 for ALTA Employees East Los Angeles,  Van Nuys, Norwalk, Bellflower are only to take Critical Care Class and ED class when instructed and/or given permission by their Director Deanne Smart or ACNO Mary Aclan.  Please secure permission before registering for class.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:



Course fee:  Course fee:  $375   

Textbook $75 (Sales Tax Included) 

Course Notebook $35   

$485.00 for class and notebook and textbook. 

Contract /




 Passport and Affiliated (Contract) Employees $50 for Materials and cost of textbook or per facility guidelines.  25% Student and new grad discount for the course fee.

Book/ Materials:

Mandatory Book: 

Emergency Nursing          Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 7th edition 2013

 ISBN: 978-0-323-07827-6 Optional book 

   Available at the door for $75.00.   May be purchased for less at online resources

Contact Hours:

24.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course is designed to help course participants succeed in obtaining the knowledge and skills needed for working in the Emergency Department.  The ENA Core Curriculum will be the basis of the course including Assessment and Resuscitation, Triage, Abuse, Organ and Tissue Donation, Pain Management, Clinical Emergencies, Abdominal, Cardiovascular, EENT, Endocrine, Environmental, Infectious Diseases, Neurological Emergencies, Obstetric and Gynecological, Ocular, Orthopedic, Toxicology, Psychiatric, Respiratory, Shock, Wounds and Aspects of Trauma.  Legal aspects and professionalism will also be discussed.  The course will include case scenarios.  The course would also serve as a good overview for the current E.D. nursing intending to take the CEN certification exam. Requirements for Completion:  Homework, attendance at all 4 sessions, and completion of exam required for certificate. Each student must have the current textbook for the course. Textbook and notebook are required. There are homework assignments and exam content from these resources.

The corse will overview  the 4th version from the ESI Triage coursework 





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

Effective as of 3/27/19 for ALTA Employees Van Nuys, Norwalk, Bellflower are only to take Critical Care Class and ED class when instructed and/or given permission by their Director Deanne Smart or ACNO Mary Aclan.  Please present permission when arriving at class.

Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

 Course:  ***Endocrine System Overview   Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.

  • Description: This program will cover an overview of the endocrine system, update, symptoms, observations and nursing care.  
  • Contact Hours: 2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.  EMS Provider 62-2034.  Please ask for special roster at the class.
  • Required Book: Handouts will be distributed in class.
  • Course fee: $30.00 for class. $5.00 for Materials. Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?  Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment is at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.

 *Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.


Course Name:

Mental Health Worker Topic:  MENTAL HEALTH

Ethical and Legal Considerations 

(Session F) 


$60 for this single class.   Handouts $10 each or notebook $50 for all six sessions.  $330 for full series and notebook.

Passport/Contract Price:

$10.00 for Materials  individual session $50 for all 6 sessions or per faciility guidelines


Handouts will be distributed in class.

Continuing Education and Contact Hours

Each class is approved by CDPH  for CNA/HHA NAC#1046.  4.0 Hours


Mental Health Worker Topics/Series Option

This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 4 HOURS Each Session TOTAL 0f 24 hours

Learn and enhance your skills with working with the person with mental disorders. The program will emphasize mental status exam, AIMS assessment and Vital Signs.  Requirements for Completion:  Attendance for 4 hours and participation in role play, discussion, and hands on skills as it applies.  This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 

Appropriate for all persons.  CNA’s/HHA please note you will receive a total of 24 Hours for attending all six sessions.  Each session is 4 hours in length.  For CNA's/HHA each course will be submitted separately to California Department of Public Health CNA Board.

 Please Note:  Sessions may not be presented in letter order.  See registration page for session topics per date. 

Full Series 3 days


A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class


*Please note:  This class is appropriate for C.N.A, HHA, medical Professions, students and those wanting to enter the healthcare field. Approved for CNA/HHA NAC#1046


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)     


Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 First Aid Processes and Procedures***


$60.00 course fee for class and $10.00 materials. 

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview First Aid Processes and Procedures***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.



CNA HHA APPROVED NAC#: 1046  2.0 Hours


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

Implicit Bias: Preventing Prejudice and Stereotypes

Implicit Bias: Preventing Prejudice and Stereotypes Workshop: AB 241 and AB 1407 Open to All and Approved CNA #107***


$30.00 course fee for class and materials. 

Contract /




 $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 2.0 hours


Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviors.(NIH.Gov).  This program will discuss the following in an interactive program:

1.  Implicit Bias Defined

2.  Implicit Bias in Healthcare

3.   Effect of Implicit Bias on Patient/Provider Communications

4.  Consequences of Implicit Bias

5.  Ways to Address Implicit Bias in Healthcare

6.  Recognition of Implicit Bias and Ways to Decrease

7.  Interactive Discussion of Implicit Bias and Approach to Minimize

This class meets the California state mandated requirements for implicit bias as of January 1, 2023 indicated in:

A.  Assembly Bill 241 - Board of Registered Nursing requiring all CE courses to contain curriculum that includes specific instruction in the understanding of implicit bias in treatment.

B.  Assembly Bill 1407 - Board of Registered Nursing requires a licensee within the first 2 years of holding their license complete one hour of direct participation in an implicit bias course.





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

This course will be remote via zoom.  You will be notified about the zoom meeting information.


Course Name:

Implicit Bias: Preventing Prejudice and Stereotypes (Remote via Zoom)

Implicit Bias: Preventing Prejudice and Stereotypes Workshop: AB 241 and AB 1407 


$30.00 course fee

$5 material fee

Contract /




 $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 2.0 hours


Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviors.(NIH.Gov).  This program will discuss the following in an interactive program:

1.  Implicit Bias Defined

2.  Implicit Bias in Healthcare

3.   Effect of Implicit Bias on Patient/Provider Communications

4.  Consequences of Implicit Bias

5.  Ways to Address Implicit Bias in Healthcare

6.  Recognition of Implicit Bias and Ways to Decrease

7.  Interactive Discussion of Implicit Bias and Approach to Minimize

This class meets the California state mandated requirements for implicit bias as of January 1, 2023 indicated in:

A.  Assembly Bill 241 - Board of Registered Nursing requiring all CE courses to contain curriculum that includes specific instruction in the understanding of implicit bias in treatment.

B.  Assembly Bill 1407 - Board of Registered Nursing requires a licensee within the first 2 years of holding their license complete one hour of direct participation in an implicit bias course.





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  • Scroll down to class date in red
  • Choose the preferred class date 
  • Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY Part 1 via a Zoom platform and Part 2 skills validation live.

  1. Course Materials must be preordered before the class at
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be in hand before the remote class starts.
  3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. 
  4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  5. Please call  Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response


Part 1 (Remote via Zoom), Part 2 (Live Skills and Monitoring)

Required before course begins:

       Email completed documents to Terry Rudd or fax to 909 980-0643

  1. Current AHA ACLS Provider Card in hand.  
  2.  - Instructor 2020 Materials and Product Update
    1. ACLS Instructor Update - no charge
    2. ACLS Product and Course Orientation - no charge
  3.  Be sure all product numbers have a 20- before them  - Needed to teach a class
    1. ACLS Provider Manuarl 2020 Guidelines  Paper or eBook
    2. ACLS Instructor Manaul 2020 Guidelines Paper or eBook
    3. ACLS DVD or Digital Video
    4. ***ACLS Instructor Package with DVD or with Digital Video (Includes items 1, 2, and 3 together
    5. Complete ACLS Instructor Essentials Online  Direct Purchase at  $40
      Product Number: 20-1419
      ISBN: 978-1-61669-793-8
      Complete both exercises and Email compltion certificate to
  4. Affiliation with an AHA Training Center - either Key Medical Resources after discussion with Terry Rudd or  completion of an Instructor Candidate Application form signed by another training center.  
  5. Please contact Terry Rudd, Training Center Coordinator for questions:, text or call (951) 520-3116.



Contact Hours:

11.0 Contact Hours California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122      

California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 (For courses with EMS content)

If EMS CE hours are needed you must notify the instructor at the class as (separate submission required to EMS) 



Payment will be invoiced at class for Part 1 of 2

$400 for Course, Monitoring and Mentoring 

If multiple disciplines will be taken, each discipline will be $50 less.  For example:  BLS $400, ACLS $350, PALS $300 

$400.00 Contract Employees or Passport Holders: for Course

$40 for ACLS Instructor Essentials Online  (purchase direct at - complete before attending the course

No Alignment Fee first year.  After that $100 annual alignment fee one disciplince, $200 multiple disciplines

Student/New Grad:  Student and New Grad discount does not apply for this course.


Please Note:  Key Medical Resources will prescreen all candidates prior to the course.  Please contact Terry Rudd (951-520-3116) or  Key Medical Resources reserves the right to determine who may attend instructor training through the Training Center. 


Design of Part 1 and Part 2 Instructor Training

Part 1 (Remote via Zoom) Requirements

1.  Register for Instructor Course - If more than one level register for each level (BLS, ACLS, PALS)

2.  Attend Part 1 of the instructor course 

3. After Part 1 instructor course: 

a.  You will register for this class as a student using Promo Code "AHA Instructor Candidate" (

b.  Written exam will be given electronically at each course.

c. Observe  ACLS Provider and (Renew/Update) Part 1 of 2 - after attending instructor course.  You will be registering for 2 different part 1's.   Provider 8 - 3 pm, Update 9 - 12:30 pm  Use Promo Code AHA Instructor Candidate


Part 2 Live Monitoring Requirements by appointment - all at Rancho Cucamonga Office

1.  Bring current provider card, affiliation (Instructor Candidadte Appliation Form) or discussion with Terry Rudd

2.  Perform skills for instructor

3.  Observe instructor teaching skills to students.

4.  At least 1 successful monitoring (may take more than one time) on future appointment (s).  You will be observed teaching students as the monitoring.

5. After Part 1 instructor course:

    a.  Observe and complete requirements for ACLS Part 1 of 2 Provider/first time - after observing the Part 1 of 2 Zoom

    b.  Observe and complete requirements or ACLS (Renew/Update) Part 2 of 2 after observing Part 1 of 2 Update Renewal Course via Zoom

6.  When all of part 1 and 2 are successfully completed you will receive

     a.  Certificate

     b.  Instructor card

          - If affiliated with Key Medical from Key Medical

         - If affiliated with another trainng center course materials will be sent to that training center who will issue the instructor card.

     c.  If aligning with Key Medical Resources,orientation of software utilized for class documentation


Prerequisites Review

The instructor course is an intensive course for those individuals who have already successfully completed the discipline-specific provider course. This course is designed to train instructor candidates to conduct provider and update courses on the latest AHA guidelines and skills set for the specific discipline being taught. The role and scope of practice of healthcare providers vary greatly globally, so there are no profession-specific guidelines for becoming an AHA instructor in a specific discipline. Instructor candidates should exemplify integrity, demonstrate strong ethics, communicate clearly, and model a dedication to quality training.  Instructor candidates must meet certain requirements before taking the instructor course. Before attending the ACKS classroom portion of an instructor course, all instructor candidates must 

  • Instructors must be at least 18 years of age and licensed or certified in a healthcare occupation where the skills are within the provider's scope of practice.
  • per Key Medical must have RN, Paramedic, RCP, PA,  or MD
  • Be aligned with an AHA Training Center
  • Have a current/official AHA ACLS Provider course completion card
  • Be proficient in the skills of ACLS
  • Complete precourse assignments
  • Complete an Instructor Candidate Application - Will be sent electronically to be completed during Part 1 of the Instructor Course

This instructor course has 2 parts. 

Part 1 is Zoom, Remote

Part 2 is live classroom portion, which you will have your skills monitored and function as a lead instructor with students.

The goal of dividing the course into online and classroom-based portions is to maximize in-class learning and make sure that candidates get as much hands-on practice time with an experienced faculty member as possible.

If you have any questions about prerequisites, please contact Terry Rudd  951 520-3116

Required Books and Resources as Described Above

All 3 Levels may be started on the first day, same day

For example:  

1.  ACLS Instructor $400 = 1st class

2.  BLS Instructor $350 = 2nd class

3.  PALS Instructor $300 = 3rd class

Do not hesitate to text, call or email Terry Rudd for any Questions

Mobile 951 520-3116


The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

  • Scroll down to class date in red
  • Choose the preferred class date 
  • Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY Part 1 via a Zoom platform and Part 2 skills validation live.

  1. Materials must be pre ordered before the class at
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be in hand before the remote class starts.
  3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. 
  4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  5. Please call  Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response


Part 1 (Remote via Zoom), Part 2 (Live Skills and Monitoring)

Required before course begins:

       Email completed documents to Terry Rudd or fax to 909 980-0643

  1. Current AHA BLS Provider Card in hand.  
  2.  - Instructor 2020 Materials and Product Update
    1. BLS Instructor Update - no charge
    2. BLS Product and Course Orientation - no charge
    3. Heartsaver Instructor Update - no charge
  3.  Be sure all product numbers have a 20- before them  - Needed to teach a class
    1. BLS Provider Manual 2020 Guidelines  Paper or eBook
    2. BLS Instructor Manual 2020 Guidelines Paper or eBook
    3. BLS DVD or Digital Video
    4. ***BLS Instructor Package with DVD or with Digital Video (Includes items 1, 2, and 3 together
    5. What you will need is the instructor essentials completed for each discipline
      These are purchased directly through  Prices are subject to change

      BLS Instructor Essentials Online - $40  Purchased direct at

       Product Number 20-1420
      ISBN: 978-1-61669-794-5

      Heartsaver Instructor Essentials Online - $35  Purchased direct at

      Product Number : 20-1418 
      ISBN : 978-1-61669-792-1
      When completed each will have a certificate for printing.
  4. Affiliation with an AHA Training Center - either Key Medical Resources after discussion with Terry Rudd or  completion of an Instructor Candidate Application form signed by another training center.  
  5. Please contact Terry Rudd, Training Center Coordinator for questions:, text or call (951) 520-3116.



Basic Cardiac Life Support (BLS) Instructor (Also allows you to teach all Heartsaver Products)

Contact Hours:

9.0 Contact Hours California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122      

California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 (For courses with EMS content)

If EMS CE hours are needed you must notify the instructor at the class as (separate submission required to EMS) 



Payment will be invoiced at class for Part 1 of 2

$400 for Course, Monitoring and Mentoring 

$40 for BLS Instructor Essentials Online  and $35 for Heartsaver instructor Essentials online (purchase direct at - complete before attending the course

If multiple disciplines will be taken, each discipline will be $50 less.  For example:  BLS $400, ACLS $350, PALS $300 

$400.00 Contract Employees or Passport Holders: for Course

No Alignment Fee first year.  After that $100 annual alignment fee one discipline, $200 multiple disciplines

Student/New Grad:  Student and New Grad discount does not apply for this course.


Please Note:  Key Medical Resources will prescreen all candidates prior to the course.  Please contact Terry Rudd (951-520-3116) or email  Key Medical Resources reserves the right to determine who may attend instructor training through the Training Center. 


Design of Part 1 and Part 2 Instructor Training

Part 1 (Remote via Zoom) Requirements

1.  Register for Instructor Course - If more than one level register for each level (BLS, ACLS, PALS)

2.  Attend Part 1 of the instructor course 

3. After Part 1 instructor course: 

a.  You will register for this class as a student using Promo Code "AHA Instructor Candidate" (

b.  Written exams (essentials)  will be given electronically at each course.

c. Observe  BLS (Renew/Update) Part 1 of 2 - after attending instructor course


Part 2 Live Monitoring Requirements by appointment - all at Rancho Cucamonga Office

1.  Bring current provider card, affiliation (Instructor Candidate Application Form) or discussion with Terry Rudd

2.  Perform skills for instructor

3.  Observe instructor teaching skills to students.

4.  At least 1 successful monitoring (may take more than one time) on future appointment (s).  You will be observed teaching students as the monitoring.

5. After Part 1 instructor course:

    a.  Observe and complete requirements for BLS Part 1 of 2 Provider/first time - after attending instructor course

    b.  Observe and complete requirements or BLS (Renew/Update) Part 2 of 2 after observing Part 1 of Provider Course

6.  When all of part 1 and 2 are successfully completed you will receive

     a.  Certificate

     b.  Instructor card

          - If affiliated with Key Medical from Key Medical

         - If affiliated with another training center course materials will be sent to that training center who will issue the instructor card.

     c.  If aligning with Key Medical Resources,orientation of software utilized for class documentation


Prerequisites Review

The instructor course is an intensive course for those individuals who have already successfully completed the discipline-specific provider course. This course is designed to train instructor candidates to conduct provider and update courses on the latest AHA guidelines and skills set for the specific discipline being taught. The role and scope of practice of healthcare providers vary greatly globally, so there are no profession-specific guidelines for becoming an AHA instructor in a specific discipline. Instructor candidates should exemplify integrity, demonstrate strong ethics, communicate clearly, and model a dedication to quality training.  Instructor candidates must meet certain requirements before taking the instructor course. Before attending the BLS classroom portion of an instructor course, all instructor candidates must 

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be aligned with an AHA Training Center
  • Have a current/official AHA BLS Provider course completion card
  • Be proficient in the skills of BLS
  • Complete pre course assignments including BLS Instructor Essentials Online ($35)
  • Complete an Instructor Candidate Application - Will be sent electronically to be completed during Part 1 of the Instructor Course.  Must have a training center that agrees to let you align with them.  If Key Medical Resources requested contact Terry Rudd  951 520-3116

This instructor course has 2 parts. 

Part 1 is Zoom, Remote

Part 2 is the live classroom portion, in which you will have your skills monitored and function as a lead instructor with students.

The goal of dividing the course into online and classroom-based portions is to maximize in-class learning and make sure that candidates get as much hands-on practice time with an experienced faculty member as possible.

If you have any questions about prerequisites, please contact Terry Rudd  951 520-3116

Required Books and Resources as Described Above

All 3 Levels may be started on the first day, same day

For example:  

1.  ACLS Instructor $400 = 1st class

2.  BLS Instructor $350 = 2nd class

3.  PALS Instructor $300 = 3rd class

Do not hesitate to text, call or email Terry Rudd for any Questions

Mobile 951 520-3116

 The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

  • Scroll down to class date in red
  • Choose the preferred class date 
  • Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY Part 1 via a Zoom platform and Part 2 skills validation live.

  1. Course Materials must be preordered before the class at
  2. Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be in hand before the remote class starts.
  3. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. 
  4. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  5. Please call  Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  7. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response


Part 1 (Remote via Zoom), Part 2 (Live Skills and Monitoring)

Required before course begins:

       Email completed documents to Terry Rudd Email completed documents to Katie Wellins or fax to 909 980-0643

  1. Current AHA PALS Provider Card in hand.  
  2.  - Instructor 2020 Materials and Product Update
    1. PALS Instructor Update - no charge
    2. PALS Product and Course Orientation - no charge
  3.  Be sure all product numbers have a 20- before them  - Needed to teach a class
    1. PALS Provider Manuarl 2020 Guidelines  Paper or eBook
    2. PALS Instructor Manaul 2020 Guidelines Paper or eBook
    3. PALS DVD or Digital Video
    4. ***PALS Instructor Package with DVD or with Digital Video (Includes items 1, 2, and 3 together
    5. PALS Instructor Essentials Online Direct purchase at  $38
      Product Number: 20-1417
      ISBN: 978-1-61669-791-4         
      Complete both sections, print completion certificate and email to
  4. Affiliation with an AHA Training Center - either Key Medical Resources after discussion with Terry Rudd or  completion of an Instructor Candidate Application form signed by another training center.  
  5. Please contact Terry Rudd, Training Center Coordinator for questions:, text or call (951) 520-3116.



Contact Hours:

11.0 Contact Hours California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122      

California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 (For courses with EMS content)

If EMS CE hours are needed you must notify the instructor at the class as (separate submission required to EMS) 



Payment will be invoiced at class for Part 1 of 2

$400 for Course, Monitoring and Mentoring 

$40 PALS Instructor Essentials online   direct purchase at

If multiple disciplines will be taken, each discipline will be $50 less.  For example:  BLS $400, ACLS $350, PALS $300 

$400.00 Contract Employees or Passport Holders: for Course

No Alignment Fee first year.  After that $100 annual alignment fee one disciplince, $200 multiple disciplines

Student/New Grad:  Student and New Grad discount does not apply for this course.


Please Note:  Key Medical Resources will prescreen all candidates prior to the course.  Please contact Terry Rudd (951-520-3116) or  Key Medical Resources reserves the right to determine who may attend instructor training through the Training Center. 

PALS Instructors may also teach (PEARS) courses.  This course will require purchase or PEARS Provider Manual, Instructor Manual and Course DVDs or Digital product.


Design of Part 1 and Part 2 Instructor Training

Part 1 (Remote via Zoom) Requirements

1.  Register for Instructor Course - If more than one level register for each level (BLS, ACLS, PALS)

2.  Attend Part 1 of the instructor course 

3. After Part 1 instructor course: 

a.  You will register for this class as a student using Promo Code "AHA Instructor Candidate" (

b.  Written exam will be given electronically at each course.

c. Observe  PALS Provider and (Renew/Update) Part 1 of 2 - after attending instructor course.  You will be registering for 2 different part 1's.   Provider 8 - 3 pm, Update 9 - 12:30 pm  Use Promo Code AHA Instructor Candidate


Part 2 Live Monitoring Requirements by appointment - all at Rancho Cucamonga Office

1.  Bring current provider card, affiliation (Instructor Candidadte Appliation Form) or discussion with Terry Rudd

2.  Perform skills for instructor

3.  Observe instructor teaching skills to students.

4.  At least 1 successful monitoring (may take more than one time) on future appointment (s).  You will be observed teaching students as the monitoring.

5. After Part 1 instructor course:

    a.  Observe and complete requirements for PALS Part 1 of 2 Provider/first time - after observing the Part 1 of 2 Zoom

    b.  Observe and complete requirements or PALS (Renew/Update) Part 2 of 2 after observing Part 1 of 2 Update Renewal Course via Zoom

6.  When all of part 1 and 2 are successfully completed you will receive

     a.  Certificate

     b.  Instructor card

          - If affiliated with Key Medical from Key Medical

         - If affiliated with another trainng center course materials will be sent to that training center who will issue the instructor card.

     c.  If aligning with Key Medical Resources,orientation of software utilized for class documentation


Prerequisites Review

The instructor course is an intensive course for those individuals who have already successfully completed the discipline-specific provider course. This course is designed to train instructor candidates to conduct provider and update courses on the latest AHA guidelines and skills set for the specific discipline being taught. The role and scope of practice of healthcare providers vary greatly globally, so there are no profession-specific guidelines for becoming an AHA instructor in a specific discipline. Instructor candidates should exemplify integrity, demonstrate strong ethics, communicate clearly, and model a dedication to quality training.  Instructor candidates must meet certain requirements before taking the instructor course. Before attending the PALS classroom portion of an instructor course, all instructor candidates must 

  • Instructors must be at least 18 years of age and licensed or certified in a healthcare occupation where the skills are within the provider's scope of practice 
    • per Key Medical must have RN, Paramedic, RCP, PA,  or MD
  • Be aligned with an AHA Training Center
  • Have a current/official AHA PALS Provider course completion card
  • Be proficient in the skills of PALS
  • Complete precourse assignments
  • Complete an Instructor Candidate Application - Will be sent electronically to be completed during Part 1 of the Instructor Course

This instructor course has 2 parts. 

Part 1 is Zoom, Remote

Part 2 is live classroom portion, which you will have your skills monitored and function as a lead instructor with students.

The goal of dividing the course into online and classroom-based portions is to maximize in-class learning and make sure that candidates get as much hands-on practice time with an experienced faculty member as possible.

If you have any questions about prerequisites, please contact Terry Rudd  951 520-3116

Required Books and Resources as Described Above

All 3 Levels may be started on the first day, same day

For example:  

1.  ACLS Instructor $400 = 1st class

2.  BLS Instructor $350 = 2nd class

3.  PALS Instructor $300 = 3rd class

Do not hesitate to text, call or email Terry Rudd for any Questions

Mobile 951 520-3116


The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

Intellectual Disability (Developmental Disability) Disorders CNA #47***


$60.00 course fee for class and $10 for materials. 

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034



This course will overview Intellectual Disability (Developmental Disability) Disorders***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  • Scroll down to class date in red
  • Choose the preferred class date 
  • Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be mailed, delivered or emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class 
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:



$65.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Contract /




  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

$10 Material Fee for individual session

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.





  • An overview of lab values and clinical significance will be discussed.  Learn an approach to complete a comprehensive and rapid head to toe assessment.  Advanced concepts for assessment will be discussed such as heart tones, breath sounds, and visual cues to disorders. 



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. *Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts. 
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone (smartphone not recommended – screen is small) 
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions. 
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in-person class
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.


Course Name:

Legalities, Documentation and Wound Care (REMOTE CLASS) Via Zoom Format


$65.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Kpass/Contract Price:


  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. 


Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.




Overview for legalities and documentation.  Charting tips and legal implications.  Wound care with prevention, treatment and documentation.   



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

Student will be notified for payment. Pay Pal and other methods available

Location:  Remote class via Zoom Format 


  •  Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. Materials will be emailed
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

Medical and Surgical Asepsis***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046  



This course will overview the difference between medical and surgical asepsis as well as the importance when working with patients.

The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Infection
  • Microorganisms
  • Infection
  • Medical asepsis
  • Hand hygiene
  • Isolation precautions
  • Preventing spread of infection
  • Protective measures
  • Bloodborne pathogens
  • Surgical asepsis
  • Sterile gloving





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

 Medical Terminology Update and Common Abbreviations***


$60.00 course fee and $10 materials. 

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034



This course will overview Medical Terminology Update and Common Abbreviations***


Upon completion of the four (4) hours of class learner will be able to:


1. Define key terminology.

2. Identify word elements used in medical terms.

3. Identify medical terminology and abbreviations commonly used in medical facilities.

4. Overview medical terms in various health settings and identify how they are utilized

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

Medical Terminology:  Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Blood***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046



This course will cover a dynamic overview of medical terminology.  Proper pronounciation, us of prefixes, suffixes, root words with opportunities for practice.  This session will emphasize terms related to Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Blood Systems

ELHC -An excellent class for those entering the health field, Entry Level Healthcare

  • Terms and concepts related to

medical terminology for the following topics:

  • Word structure
  • Word terms
  • Prefixes
  • Suffixes
  • Cardiovascular system terminology
  • Respiratory system terminology
  • Blood and blood system terminology

Abbreviations that may be used with various medical terms






Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

CNA #113 Medical Terminology:  Neurology, Endocrine, Skin***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046



This course will cover a dynamic overview of medical terminology.  Proper pronounciation, us of prefixes, suffixes, root words with opportunities for practice.  This session will emphasize terms related to Neurology, Endocrine and Skin systems

ELHC -An excellent class for those entering the health field, Entry Level Healthcare

  • Terms and concepts related to the class.

Review medical terminology for the following topics:

  • Word structure
  • Word terms
  • Prefixes
  • Suffixes
  • Neurological system
  • Endocrine system
  • The skin

Abbreviations that may be used with various medical terms





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

Course Name:

Mental Health Worker Topic:  MENTAL HEALTH

Mental Health Overview (Session B) 


$60 for this single class.   Handouts $10 each or notebook $50 for all six sessions.  $330 for full series and notebook.

Passport/Contract Price:

$10.00 for Materials  individual session $50 for all 6 sessions or per faciility guidelines


Handouts will be distributed in class.

Continuing Education and Contact Hours

Each class is approved by CDPH  for CNA/HHA NAC#1046.  4.0 Hours


Mental Health Worker Topics/Series Option

This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 4 HOURS Each Session TOTAL 0f 24 hours

Learn and enhance your skills with working with the person with mental disorders. The program will emphasize mental status exam, AIMS assessment and Vital Signs.  Requirements for Completion:  Attendance for 4 hours and participation in role play, discussion, and hands on skills as it applies.  This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 

Appropriate for all persons.  CNA’s/HHA please note you will receive a total of 24 Hours for attending all six sessions.  Each session is 4 hours in length.  For CNA's/HHA each course will be submitted separately to California Department of Public Health CNA Board.

 Please Note:  Sessions may not be presented in letter order.  See registration page for session topics per date. 

Full Series 3 days


A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class


*Please note:  This class is appropriate for C.N.A, HHA, medical Professions, students and those wanting to enter the healthcare field. Approved for CNA/HHA NAC#1046


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)     


Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.



    1. *Scroll down to class date in red
    2. Choose the preferred class date 
    3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone (smartphone not recommended – screen is small)
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions.
  5. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in-person class
  6. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.


Course Name:

Multi System, Sepsis, Shock and Pharmacology Overview


$60.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Kpass/Contract Price:

  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 



Book/ Materials:

$10 Material Fee for individual session

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.




A full review of sepsis (SIRS MODS, shock) with corresponding lab values and early recognition.  Review of common drugs and precuations will also be included.   



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

Student will be notified for payment. Pay Pal and other methods available

Location:  Remote class via Zoom Format 


  •  Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. Materials will be emailed
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

NRP 8th Edition 

Description: To receive a Neonatal Resuscitation card, the person must complete the on-line exam (select either essential or advanced ) , then arrange a Instructor led event (mega code)  session with an NRP instructor.  The ecode certificate of completion for Part 1 must be brought with you to the course. 


PART 1 - To take NRP Exam. You must get into first and register. You must first create an account in RQI partners (NRP learning platform)

 Study the NRP Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th Ed.

  • Go to the Catalog tab. 
  • Select the 8th Edition NRP Provider Curriculum. Select either Essential or Advanced.  (Information provided on the difference)  and click Enroll. Essential is for those people who are only responsible for the resuscitation of a newborn up to PPV. . Advanced is what most RNS, LVNS (who work in L/D, Mother-Baby, Nursery or NICU) and RT'S should take it as it involves full resuscitation of the newborn. It is important that you select the correct one.
  • Complete payment information to enroll..
  • Complete Part 1 (online learning assessment)  first
  • You have unlimited attempts to take the exam.
  • After completion print out the e code certificate of completion for Part 1. You MUST bring this to your Instructor Led Event.

Part 2 will allow the instructors to register you for an Instructor-Led Event. DO NOT attempt to register yourself for an ILE . The instructors for the ILE you signed up for on will sign you up for the ILE. 

 Students have 90 days from the time they do the test to do a megacode.


After purchase of the Advanced test and/or completion of PART 1 - The Key Medical instructors will enroll you on the NRP website for the Instructor Led event based on what class you signed up for in Enrollware or the KMR education website.   In order for Key Medical to maintain control over he number of enrollees you cannot sign yourself up for the Instructor Led event. YOU MUST SIGN UP at or enrollware or your hospitals website for the class you want. 

What is the cost of the NRP

8th Edition Provider Book -   Book approx $75.

8th Edition, the NRP Provider Curriculum will cost $55. for the Advanced test. The curriculum will include access to the NRP Provider examination to become a NRP Provider.


8th Edition

 2022  8th Ed materials can be utilized to take courses. 

  1. Self-study theTextbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8thEd  
  2. Complete the NRP Provider Curriculum (Part 1)

Provider Curriculum, Part 1

Part 1 focuses on building a foundation of neonatal resuscitation knowledge. The learning activities in Part I include the

  • Provider Exam
    • - Essentials test  Lessons 1-4 
      - Advanced test  Lessons 1-11 
      - You have unlimited attempts to complete the exam

 Once Part 1 is completed, a learner has 90 days to complete the Instructor Led Event. 

Provider Curriculum, Part 2

Part 2 includes the Instructor-led Event (hands-on portion of the course). The activities in this part are

  • Completing  the Instructor-led Event.  

You will be enrolled for the NRP 8th edition Instructor-led Events before attending the event.  You will be registered by an instructor or administrator. 

  • Once you are assigned in the class for the Instructor Led Event you can view more details pertaining to information for the class (instructor or notes from the instructor). Select the three dots under action to change the class, withdraw or see notes from the instructor.  
  • The instructor led event must be completed and graded and passed by the instructor before you have access to your card.

Once all steps are complete and you have been passed by the instructor, you will be sent a link for access to your NRP Provider eCard.


Course fee:  $55.00 for online exam (price may change) and $100 for the mega code and skills.  Passport and Contract  Employees Co-pay is $55.00 for online exam paid when you register and take the exam online (price may change) and $10 for Card or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this class.  

Questions?   Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)  

If having difficulty with website their phone number is 800/433-9016        

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page  

After course completion only the STUDENT can claim their own card.  Directions below:

NRP Ecard instructions: How to Claim Ecard after class ends:

If a student calls and say they cannot access their card here is the instructions to give to them. 

  1. Go to the website
  2. Sign in with their username and password.
  3. Look on the left side for ecertificates and ecard.
  4. Select the above.
  5. A screen will come up that says ecertificates and ecards.
  6. To the right of the ecard line it will say Actions with three dots under the word actions.
  7. Select the three dots and select either view card, download ecard or email ecard.
  8. Select download ecard and right click and print as many copies as you need.


The NRP instructors do not have access to the student’s cards. Only the student can get their own card.




    1. *Scroll down to class date in red
    2. Choose the preferred class date 
    3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students will be emailed materials.  Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.
  2. Once you confirm you will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room. within 48 hours before the class starts
  3. This may  be done by Computer, Tablet or Smartphone (smartphone not recommended – screen is small)
  4. Please call  Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd  Text or call 951 520-3116 for questions.
    1. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in-person class 
    2. You will receive texts and emails.  Please respond to all messages with your name and response.  Your Zoom room invite will be sent to your personal email within 2 days prior to the class.


Course Name:

Neurological System Overview and Stroke (Remote Class) via Zoom


$65.00 Course Fee + Material Fee (see below)

Kpass/Contract Price:

  • $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  
  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 


Book/ Materials:

$10 Material Fee for individual session

No book required.  Handouts or notebook will be provided at the class; emailed for classes held remotely.

Contact Hours:

4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.




this course will emphasize recongition of stroke.  Included in the class will be assessment, stroke protocols and interventions.  Neurologic assessment will be included.



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

Student will be notified for payment. Pay Pal and other methods available

Location:  Remote class via Zoom Format 


  •  Student and new grad discount do not apply for this course. Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. Materials will be emailed
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

Nutrition, Feeding and Dietary Therapy***


$60.00 course fee / $10.00 Materials  

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Nutrition, Feeding and Dietary Therapy***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.



  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

Nutrition, Fluids and Feeding Methods CNA #115***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046



This course will cover aspects of good nutrition, the importance of fluids and various feedintg methods used with the patient

The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Basic nutrition
  • Main nutrients for the body
  • Food labels
  • How the C.N.A, HHA can assist with nutritional needs and the diabetic meal plan
  • Various Diets
  • Fluid requirements
  • Calculating intake and output
  • Steps to help the patient prepare for meals
  • Measures to prevent food borne illnesses
  • Enteral nutrition, feeding tubes
  • Causes and prevention of aspiration
  • Parenteral nutrition
  • N.A, HHA role in I.V. Therapy






Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

Observing and Reporting Changes in Conditions***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046



This course will cover desciptions of condition changes, the importance of routine observations and reporting procedures.

The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Vital signs review
  • Observations of the person after surgery
  • Psychological care – observations and role
  • Sedation and analgesia
  • Post-operative observations
  • Urine output
  • Positioning
  • Preventing respiratory and circulatory complications
  • Circulation, legs
  • Wounds
  • Nutrition, Fluids
  • Elimination
  • Comfort and rest
  • Vital sign changes with sepsis
  • Observations and Reporting for Skin and Wound
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Staging of ulcers (done by wound care nurse or RN)
  • Deep tissue injuries
  • Unstageable ulcers
  • Prevention of pressure ulcers
  • Moisture related wounds





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

Classroom Programs – Please register at Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel courses


Course Name:

Mental Health Worker Topic:  MENTAL HEALTH



$60 for this single class.   Handouts $10 each or notebook $50 for all six sessions.  $330 for full series and notebook.

Passport/Contract Price:

$10.00 for Materials  individual session $50 for all 6 sessions or per faciility guidelines


Handouts will be distributed in class.

Continuing Education and Contact Hours

Each class is approved by CDPH  for CNA/HHA NAC#1046.  4.0 Hours


Mental Health Worker Topics/Series Option

This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 4 HOURS Each Session TOTAL 0f 24 hours

Learn and enhance your skills with working with the person with mental disorders. The program will emphasize mental status exam, AIMS assessment and Vital Signs.  Requirements for Completion:  Attendance for 4 hours and participation in role play, discussion, and hands on skills as it applies.  This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 

Appropriate for all persons.  CNA’s/HHA please note you will receive a total of 24 Hours for attending all six sessions.  Each session is 4 hours in length.  For CNA's/HHA each course will be submitted separately to California Department of Public Health CNA Board.

 Please Note:  Sessions may not be presented in letter order.  See registration page for session topics per date. 

Full Series 3 days


A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class


*Please note:  This class is appropriate for C.N.A, HHA, medical Professions, students and those wanting to enter the healthcare field. Approved for CNA/HHA NAC#1046


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)     


Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.

Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

 Course:  Overview of Psychiatric Disorders  (C.N.A.S may attend)  CNA HHA APPROVED NAC#: 1046

  • Description: This program will cover, in an interactive format and update of mental health disorders, communication techniques, and approaches and interventions for the mentally ill.  Emphasis will be placed on the Recovery Model as a communication strategy.  Role play will be incorporated in various aspects of the course.  Take away resources will be given for use in the clinical setting. .   
  • Contact Hours: 4 or 8 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. CNA HHA APPROVED NAC#: 1046 for 4 hours only
  • Required Book: Handouts will be distributed in class.
  • Course fee: $60.00 /$10.00 materials. Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $10.00 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?  Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment is at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.

 *Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

Pain: Reporting and Patient Condiserations***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046
  • 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 
  • If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.  



This course will overview various types of pain and interventions to assist the patient who is having pain.

The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Pain Management
  • Definition and types of pain
  • Barriers to pain management
  • Consequences of untreated pain
  • The 5th vital sign
  • Pain scales
  • Patient Observations
  • Pain is what the person says it is
  • Pain chronicity
  • Acute, chronic
  • Pain assessment and reporting
  • Pain management





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

PALS Provider/First Time 2020 Guidelines with Precourse Work  

Key Medical is no longer offering Part 1 (zoom) Part 2 skills 

Highly Recommended BLS and PALS Helpful Hints are available for download at  Top of website page.  Resources-Helpful Hints

Mandatory Requirements - Read Below

1.  Precourse work and precourse self assessment certificate must be brought to class.  If this is not completed you will be sent home. (Reference:  PALS Provider Manual Page 5.)

2.  Arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to begin the registration process. 

3.  Late students will be turned away if the class has begun.

***Complete BEFORE CLASS the PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class.  Bring completion certificate with you to the live session

If you do not complete the precourse self-assesment work (bring certificate) you will be sent away.


    The AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Course is designed for pediatricians, nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, emergency physicians, and other healthcare providers who care for infants and children. The PALS Provider Course teaches participants:
      • To recognize infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest
      • Strategies needed to prevent cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children
      • Skills needed to resuscitate and stabilize infants and children in respiratory failure, shock, or cardiopulmonary arrest

This class will cover PALS content, videos, dysrhythmia overview, exam review and demonstration of skills. Knowledge of cardiac dysrhythmias is essential.  The exam contains multiple rhythm strips for interpretation.

Continuing Education certificate will be given at the class.  Digital card will be sent within 24 hours.

  • Precourse Assessment and Pre-Course Work must be completed before coming to the class.
  • Course will include PALS Overview, rhythm review, exam review and megacode review.  Skills testing will include infant/child BLS, Airway Mangement, Intrasseous and Megacode. (4 hours)
  • Written Exam

Costs for PALS Provider First Time

  • Fees to be paid at the door.  
  • PALS Course fee $175, Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $70
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $70

Continuing Education

  • 4.0 hour Certificate will be given at the course.  BRN CEP# 15122. EMS Provider #62-2034 (Inform at registration if EMS hours are requested  
  • 2.5 Hours additional continuing education may be obtained from AHA for Pre-Course Work and Pre-Course Self-Assessment.  (see course details on, CE/CME)

Essential Requirements BEFORE attending the Course

  • Purchase or have available with you the NEW 2020 Guidelines Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider manual and have with you at the both classes (part 1 and part 2).
  • AHA requires EACH student have a current copy of the book before, during and after the class. Books may not be shared.  Book fees
    • Courses
    • PALS
      1. PALS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3120 $48.00 (Recommended) OR
      2. PALS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1119 $54.00
      3. From Key Medical $70.00
  • Complete BEFORE CLASS the PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class!  No charge from AHA for this product.

      PALS Precourse Work

           a.  elearning.heart. org 

             b.  Search Course Code for PALS is  KJ 1487      
             c.  PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work  
      Do Not choose  PALS Precourse Self-Assessment stand alone
      Bring successfully completed certificate that will list both PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work.  You must print the completed certificate and bring with you to the class.  The certicate must have your name printed on the certificate with both classes.  

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue with Registration on the bottom

PALS Update/Renew 2020 Guidelines with Precourse Work and Precourse Self-Assessment (Optional BLS Add on) 

Key Medical is no longer offering Part 1 (zoom) Part 2 skills 

Highly Recommended BLS and PALS Helpful Hints are available for download at  Top of website page.  Resources-Helpful Hints

Mandatory Requirements - Read Below

1.  Precourse work and precourse self assessment certificate must be brought to class.  If this is not completed you will be sent home. (Reference:  PALS Provider Manual Page 5.)

2.  Arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to begin the registration process. 

3.  Late students will be turned away if the class has begun.


    The AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Course is designed for pediatricians, nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, emergency physicians, and other healthcare providers who care for infants and children. The PALS Provider Course teaches participants:
      • To recognize infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest
      • Strategies needed to prevent cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children
      • Skills needed to resuscitate and stabilize infants and children in respiratory failure, shock, or cardiopulmonary arrest

This class will cover PALS content, videos, dysrhythmia overview, exam review and demonstration of skills. Knowledge of cardiac dysrhythmias is essential.  The exam contains multiple rhythm strips for interpretation.

Continuing Education certificate will be given at the class.  Digital card will be sent within 24 hours.

  • Precourse Assessment and Pre-Course Work must be completed before coming to the class.
  • Course will include PALS Overview, rhythm review, exam review and megacode review.  Skills testing will include adult BLS, Airway Mangement, Intrasseous and Megacode. (3 hours)
  • Optional BLS may be requested at registration (4 Hours with PALS)
  • Written Exam

Costs for PALS Provider Update/Renew

  • Fees to be paid at the door.  
  • PALS Course fee $150, Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $70
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $15, Book from Key Med if not with you $70

Costs for BLS Add on to PALS

  • Fees to be paid at the door.  
  • BLS Course fee $35 (includes card) Book from Key Med if not with you $25
    • Contract personnel, K-Pass - Card $10, Book from Key Med if not with you $25

Continuing Education

  • 3.0 Hours Certificate will be given at the course.  BRN CEP# 15122. EMS Provider #62-2034 (Inform at registration if EMS hours are requested  
  • 2.5 Hours additional continuing education may be obtained from AHA for Pre-Course Work and Pre-Course Self-Assessment.  ((see course details on, CE/CME))

Essential Requirements BEFORE attending the Course

  • Purchase or have available with you the NEW 2020 Guidelines Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider manual and have with you at the both classes (part 1 and part 2).
  • AHA requires EACH student have a current copy of the book before, during and after the class. Books may not be shared.  Book fees
    • Courses
    • PALS
      1. PALS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3120 $48.00 (Recommended) OR
      2. PALS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1119 $54.00
      3. From Key Medical $70.00
    • BLS (if completion optional BLS add-on)
      1. BLS Provider Manual eBook Product Number: 20-3102 $15 (Recommended) OR
      2. BLS Provider Manual Product Number: 20-1102 $17.50
      3. From Key Medical $20.00
  • Complete BEFORE CLASS the PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work Required Before Class!  No charge from AHA for this product.
  • If you do not complete the precourse self-assesment work (bring certificate) you will be sent away. 
    • a.  elearning.heart. org 

             b.  Search Course Code for PALS is  1487      
             c.  PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work  
      Do Not choose  PALS Precourse Self-Assessment stand alone

      Bring successfully completed certificate that will list both PALS Precourse Self-Assessment and Precourse Work.  You must print the completed certificate and bring with you to the class.  The certicate must have your name printed on the certificate with both classes.  

*Please note.  If you would like to do a BLS Course (BLS add-on) at the same time as PALS, request to do so in the comments section of your registration (from our website).

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 


  • Description: This course will overview topics relevant to CNAs.  The program is hepful for licensed staff also to help implement protocols and procedures to provide better care from the health care team.  Topics will vary year to year. Others may attend.     
  • Contact Hours: 2 hours   
  • Required Book: Handouts will be distributed in class.
  • Course fee: $30.00 for class and materials. Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?  Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • LocationPlease see location on the Registration information.

*Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Patient Observations, Legalities, Reporting and Documentation CNA #67***


$60.00 course fee and $10.00 materials. 

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034



This course will overview Patient Observations, Legalities, Reporting and Documentation***

 Performance Standards (Objectives):

Upon completion of the four (4) hours of class the learner will be able to:

  1. Define observation and list the senses used to observe a resident.
  2. Describe objective and subjective observations.
  3. List types of charting documents and the use for each.
  4. Explain how to accurately complete ADL assessment for MDS.
  5. Discuss procedures to use when recording on a resident’s chart.

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.



Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 


  • Description:  Learn the skills and techniques to become an excellent preceptor.  Geared for non-nursing personnel and others who are mentoring and training.  Discussion on learning styles, beginner to expert characteristics, leadership and evaluation techniques. 
  • Contact Hours: 4.0 or 6.0 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. 
  • Required Book: Handouts will be distributed in class.
  • Course fee: $65.00 for class, book and materials. Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?  Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment is at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.

 *Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended. 
  • You will be notified by text and or email of Zoom meeting log in and password

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.



Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Preventing and Reporting Abuse***


$40.00 course fee for class and materials. 

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 3 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 3 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will overview Preventing and Reporting Abuse***

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

 ***Prevention & Management of Unusual Circumstances  

  •  Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel. 


$60.00 for class and $10 materials. 

Passport/Contract Price:

 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.  EMS Provider 62-2034.  Please ask for special roster at the class.




 This program will cover the Care of the Terminal Patient




Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may not be returned if opened. 
  • No refund if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Professionalism and Behavior Ethics for Healthcare CNA#62***  Approved for HHA  and others


$60.00 course fee for class and materials $10 

Course fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contract /




 $10 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours. 

Approved for C.N.A/HHA Provider.  Key Medical Resources Inc.  NAC # 1046

California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.

 4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 



This course will discuss professionalism and behavioral ethics



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email: (909) 980-0126,

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.

Classroom Programs – Please register at  Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.  We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

 Course:  ***Renal System Overview   Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.

  • Description: This program will cover an overview of the renal system, update, symptoms, observations and nursing care.  
  • Contact Hours: 2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.  EMS Provider 62-2034.  Please ask for special roster at the class.
  • Required Book: Handouts will be distributed in class.
  • Course fee: $30.00 for class, $5.00 materials. Passport and Contract Employees Co-pay is $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Questions?  Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  All payment is at the door (check, cash or credit card)          
  • Location:  Please see location on the Registration information.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Respiratory Care Update ***


Course fee $60.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Respiratory Care Update 





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Course Name:

CNA #121 Safety, Activities and Restraints***


Course Fee $60

Class Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /





Class Materials $10 for all persons

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contact Hours:


  • 4 hours, Continuing education approved CDPH  CNA/HHA NAC #1046



This course will cover patient safety, patient activities and restraints and alternatives for restraints.  The program will emphasize observations needed for the patient with restraints.

The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Safety as a basic need
  • Accident risk factors
  • Correct interventions and steps to prevent (burns, poisoning, suffocation, choking)
  • Choking
  • Wheelchair safety
  • Material safety data sheets
  • Fire safety
  • Disasters
  • Workplace violence
  • Prevention of falls
  • Restraints policies
  • Alternatives to restraints
  • Body mechanics
  • Ergonomics
  • Prevention of back injuries
  • Techniques for patient positioning
  • Transfer techniques
  • Range of motion
  • Steps for ambulating a patient
  • Proper use of crutches and canes





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:


Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel. 


$30.00 for class and $5.00 materials. 

Contract /




 $5 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  

  • Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122. Approved for CNA HHA  NAC#: 1046 Appropriate for all healthcare personnel.  EMS Provider 62-2034.  Please ask for special roster at the class.




 This program will cover the basics of wound and skin care.  Stages, prevention of breakdown, documentation, and notification procedures will be emphasized.



Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Spiritual Aspects for Patient Care


Course fee $30.00 / Materials $5 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Spiritual Aspects for Patient Care





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom


Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  

Course Name:

Strategies for Caring for the Person with Dementia***(4 hours) 



2020 Pricing Course Fee $60

2020 Pricing Class Materials $10 for all persons

Contract /





  • 2020 Pricing Class Materials $10 for all persons

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  Handouts and notebook will be provided at the class. 

Contact Hours:

 4 hours 

For CNA, HHA - Provider Name:  Key Medical Resources Inc.NAC # 1046 California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.


The course will include concepts related to the following topics:

  • Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
  • Communication Strategies for the Person with Dementia
  • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) for the Person with Dementia
  • Behavior Problems that May Occur with the Person with Dementia.
  • Coping Strategies for the Family and Caregivers of Persons with Dementia
  • Activities Helpful for the Person with Dementia





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Stress Reduction and Increasing Productivity


Course fee $60.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Stress Reduction and Increasing Productivity





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.



Course Name:

Mental Health Worker Topic:  MENTAL HEALTH

The Patient with Chemical Dependency (Session E) 


$60 for this single class.   Handouts $10 each or notebook $50 for all six sessions.  $330 for full series and notebook.

Passport/Contract Price:

$10.00 for Materials  individual session $50 for all 6 sessions or per faciility guidelines


Handouts will be distributed in class.

Continuing Education and Contact Hours

Each class is approved by CDPH  for CNA/HHA NAC#1046.  4.0 Hours


Mental Health Worker Topics/Series Option

This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 4 HOURS Each Session TOTAL 0f 24 hours

Learn and enhance your skills with working with the person with mental disorders. The program will emphasize mental status exam, AIMS assessment and Vital Signs.  Requirements for Completion:  Attendance for 4 hours and participation in role play, discussion, and hands on skills as it applies.  This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 

Appropriate for all persons.  CNA’s/HHA please note you will receive a total of 24 Hours for attending all six sessions.  Each session is 4 hours in length.  For CNA's/HHA each course will be submitted separately to California Department of Public Health CNA Board.

 Please Note:  Sessions may not be presented in letter order.  See registration page for session topics per date. 

Full Series 3 days


A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class


*Please note:  This class is appropriate for C.N.A, HHA, medical Professions, students and those wanting to enter the healthcare field. Approved for CNA/HHA NAC#1046


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)     


Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.

  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Unconscious Bias, Childhood Experiences and Trauma


Course fee $30.00 / Materials $5 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  2 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Unconscious Bias, Childhood Experiences and Trauma





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Understanding Basic Lab Values, Patient Preparation


Course fee $60.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  4 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Understanding Basic Lab Values, Patient Preparation





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students to pick up or be mailed materials for $10 priority shipping & handling (S&H). Materials and or book fees apply to all.  Materials are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. You will be sent an invoice via PayPal for materials + S&H (if applicable) shortly before or during class. All invoices must be paid before you will receive credit for attendance. A PayPal account is not required. There is an option to pay as a guest.
  2. Registration 5 business, shipping days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.
  3. Register with your personal email address only. You will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room a week prior to class. The invite to join the class will be sent via email.
  4. Zoom may be utilized on Computer, Tablet or Smartphone. Working camera, microphone and audio required.
  5. Please call our Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd - Text or call (951) 520-3116 if you have questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class.

--- We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508 (ARC)). ---

Course Name:



$275.00 for class and $15 materials. 

Kpass/Contract Price:

Kpass and Contract Employees Co-pay is $15 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  ALL STUDENTS PAY FOR MATERIALS. Materials are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  $15 Materials. Materials are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

  • Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed, shipping and handling fees appy.
  • Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.

Contact Hours:

18.0 hour course with a certificate of completion. There is no continuing education provided through BRN or EMS.




This course will provide the learner with the necessary introductory skills to become a Unit Secretary or Ward Clerk.  The program includes communication techniques, medical abbreviations, and transcription of physicians orders on to a Kardex.  Techniques for computer data entry will be discussed. Required notebook is purchased at the door.


 The student after completing the class will receive an 18 hour certificate of completion

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • CNAs may attend for a certificate but cannot receive continuing education hours.  Per CDPH 
  •  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

--- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment. ---

--- We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508 (ARC)). ---



  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.


Course Name:

Mental Health Worker Topic:  MENTAL HEALTH

Vital Signs: Measurement, Recording (Session B) #97


$60 for this single class.   Handouts $10 each or notebook $50 for all six sessions.  $330 for full series and notebook.

Passport/Contract Price:

$10.00 for Materials  individual session $50 for all 6 sessions or per faciility guidelines


Handouts will be distributed in class.

Continuing Education and Contact Hours

Each class is approved by CDPH  for CNA/HHA NAC#1046.  4.0 Hours


Mental Health Worker Topics/Series Option

This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 4 HOURS Each Session TOTAL 0f 24 hours

Learn and enhance your skills with working with the person with mental disorders. The program will emphasize mental status exam, AIMS assessment and Vital Signs.  Requirements for Completion:  Attendance for 4 hours and participation in role play, discussion, and hands on skills as it applies.  This series of classes will enhance your skills when working with the patient who has mental disorders. You may attend one session or all six sessions. Those attending all six sessions will receive a certificate indicating Mental Health Worker Training.  You may mix and match session from this series and future series until all 6 are completed. 

Appropriate for all persons.  CNA’s/HHA please note you will receive a total of 24 Hours for attending all six sessions.  Each session is 4 hours in length.  For CNA's/HHA each course will be submitted separately to California Department of Public Health CNA Board.

 Please Note:  Sessions may not be presented in letter order.  See registration page for session topics per date. 

Full Series 3 days


A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class



A Live Class


*Please note:  This class is appropriate for C.N.A, HHA, medical Professions, students and those wanting to enter the healthcare field. Approved for CNA/HHA NAC#1046


Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payment taken at the door (check, cash or credit card)     


Class materials and books may not be returned if opened.

No refund if any part of the course has been attended.

The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.

There is no student or new grad discount for this course.



  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment.

We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508).  


Course Name:

 Workplace Conduct in Healthcare 


Course fee $40.00 / Materials $10 for all persons


Contract /




 student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 

Book/ Materials:

No book required. 

Contact Hours:


  •  3 hours.  California Board of Registered Nursing CEP# 15122 and California EMS CE Provider #62-2034 If EMS CE hours are requested you must notify the instructor at class.



This course will overview Workplace Conduct in Healthcare 





Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:  ,  (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the  Home Page 


  • Class materials and books may NOT be returned if opened.
  • No refunds if any part of the course has been attended.
  • The entire course must be attended to receive a certificate.
  • There are no student or new grad discounts for this course.


Course Materials

Current course materials are required for each class. Please see course description for details.  There is no sharing or photocopying of class materials.


CNA and HHA Students Please Note

For live (in person) classes, CNA and HHA students must sign the class roster for each session and write their name and CNA/HHA number exactly as it appears on their CNA/HHA certificate.  If a CNA does not do this, the class may not be recognized by the CNA CDPH evaluator. Bring your CNA/HHA card to class or a picture of your card so you have the correct number.  Per CDPH, HHA students may not receive credit for Zoom distance learning.  For Zoom classes, the certificate will provide an instructor digital signature.  Attendance will be taken and noted during the zoom class.  The CNA personal education record does not require an instructor signature.



Please contact the Key Medical Office if you will not attend a course you have registered for.  If you need to cancel a class, please call 909-980-0126 or email and indicate your name, class name, and class date.

No refunds for any course materials you have been provided.  No refunds for a course if any part has been attended.


Covid-19 Precautions for Live (in person) Classes

Key Medical Resources prioritizes the safety of our instructors and students.  Students who are currently feeling sick or have any symptoms related to Covid-19 should not attend a live class at this time.  .  

  • Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache
  • New loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
  • Temperature above 100.3


Sharing or photocopying of class materials is not allowed.  Each student must have their own individual copy of materials.  Materials may be emailed or provided as a hard copy depending on the class.