Class Enrollment

Class Registration
Date/Time: Tue 5/20/2025 from 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM

This class continues on:
Tue 5/27/2025 from 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Tue 6/3/2025 from 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Tue 6/10/2025 from 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: Zoom Online Course: Key Medical 101
Class Price: $275.00
Notes: This class meets for 4 sessions
  1. Scroll down to class date in red
  2. Choose the preferred class date 
  3. Proceed to Continue With Registration on the bottom

This class is presented REMOTELY via a Zoom platform. 

  1. Students to pick up or be mailed materials for $10 priority shipping & handling (S&H). Materials and or book fees apply to all.  Materials are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. You will be sent an invoice via PayPal for materials + S&H (if applicable) shortly before or during class. All invoices must be paid before you will receive credit for attendance. A PayPal account is not required. There is an option to pay as a guest.
  2. Registration 5 business, shipping days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.
  3. Register with your personal email address only. You will be sent an invitation to join the Zoom Room a week prior to class. The invite to join the class will be sent via email.
  4. Zoom may be utilized on Computer, Tablet or Smartphone. Working camera, microphone and audio required.
  5. Please call our Office (909) 980-0126 or Terry Rudd - Text or call (951) 520-3116 if you have questions. 
  6. Certificate will be the same certificate as an in person class.

--- We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508 (ARC)). ---

Course Name:



$275.00 for class and $15 materials. 

Kpass/Contract Price:

Kpass and Contract Employees Co-pay is $15 for Materials or per facility guidelines.  ALL STUDENTS PAY FOR MATERIALS. Materials are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Book/ Materials:

No book required.  $15 Materials. Materials are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

  • Student materials may be picked up from the Key Medical Resources office or mailed. Materials and or book fees apply to all.  You will be contacted for payment.  If mailed, shipping and handling fees appy.
  • Registration 4 days or less before the class:  Course materials must be picked up at the Key Medical Resources office before the class starts.

Contact Hours:

18.0 hour course with a certificate of completion. There is no continuing education provided through BRN or EMS.




This course will provide the learner with the necessary introductory skills to become a Unit Secretary or Ward Clerk.  The program includes communication techniques, medical abbreviations, and transcription of physicians orders on to a Kardex.  Techniques for computer data entry will be discussed. Required notebook is purchased at the door.


 The student after completing the class will receive an 18 hour certificate of completion

Resources/ FAQ:

Call or Email:, (909) 980-0126.  

Emailing is preferred for a timely and written response.  

All payments taken at the door (cash, check or credit card)  

Location:  Please see Class Listings at a Glance on the Home Page 


  • CNAs may attend for a certificate but cannot receive continuing education hours.  Per CDPH 
  •  Student and new grad discount does not apply for this course. 
  • Courses may be cancelled for low or no enrollment. We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508). 

--- Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment. ---

--- We rarely cancel certification courses (BLS, ACLS, PALS, AB508 (ARC)). ---




Course Materials

Current course materials are required for each class. Please see course description for details.  There is no sharing or photocopying of class materials.


CNA and HHA Students Please Note

For live (in person) classes, CNA and HHA students must sign the class roster for each session and write their name and CNA/HHA number exactly as it appears on their CNA/HHA certificate.  If a CNA does not do this, the class may not be recognized by the CNA CDPH evaluator. Bring your CNA/HHA card to class or a picture of your card so you have the correct number.  Per CDPH, HHA students may not receive credit for Zoom distance learning.  For Zoom classes, the certificate will provide an instructor digital signature.  Attendance will be taken and noted during the zoom class.  The CNA personal education record does not require an instructor signature.



Please contact the Key Medical Office if you will not attend a course you have registered for.  If you need to cancel a class, please call 909-980-0126 or email and indicate your name, class name, and class date.

No refunds for any course materials you have been provided.  No refunds for a course if any part has been attended.


Covid-19 Precautions for Live (in person) Classes

Key Medical Resources prioritizes the safety of our instructors and students.  Students who are currently feeling sick or have any symptoms related to Covid-19 should not attend a live class at this time.  .  

  • Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache
  • New loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
  • Temperature above 100.3


Sharing or photocopying of class materials is not allowed.  Each student must have their own individual copy of materials.  Materials may be emailed or provided as a hard copy depending on the class.